By Sterling, USAMy story starts at week 13 when I started bleeding. Docs couldn't figure out where it was coming from but I was put on bed rest until it stopped, which it did about a week later. Week 16 it started up again - still no explanation as to why and I was put back on bed rest, this time for a month.
PROM at 21 weeksDelivery at 27 weeks.
Story added: 2000-04-22
At 20 weeks I got up and went back to work and at 21 weeks my water broke. There really was no mistaking it, but the fluid did not test out as amniotic at the hospital so I was told to go home and continue life as usual. Over the course of the next 3 weeks, I was back in my OB's office 4 times telling them I was leaking and they never believed me.
At 24 weeks, I was scheduled for a routine anatmony ultrasound and it was then that they saw there was no fluid around the baby and sent me directly to the hospital. I was admitted that day and started on IV antibiotics, steroid shots for his lungs and daily monitoring. We weren't given much hope at 24 weeks and were told that if I went into labor they would do nothing to stop it.
I went into labor at 25 weeks to the day - but it stopped on its own. Same thing happened at 26 weeks. Then at 27 weeks, I went into labor again and this time there was no stopping him. Nicholas was born weighing 1 pound 12 ounces and was taken directly to the NICU where he spent 11 weeks.
He is 3 years old now. It took him a couple of years to catch up developmentally and he is still very small (at 33 inches and 25 pounds) but other than his size and asthma, he shows no other effects from his prematurity.
I am currently almost full term with baby number 2. We will never know exactly what caused the PPROM with Nicholas.
PAP PG Story