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This is a copy of the (P)PROM Page, a new page is under construction. v2.1 /Inkan July 12, 2011

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Sterling's Post-PROM Story   by Sterling, North Carolina USA
Delivery at 40 + 1 weeks
Mail: shhart@triad.rr.com Story added 2001-07-30
This is my story of hope for all of you out there reading this who have had a PROM pregnancy in your past and are afraid of trying again….

My first pregnancy ended at 27 weeks due to PPROM at 21 weeks. You can read that story here as well. Needless to say I was terrified to try to have another baby. As fate would have it, I never had to decide whether I was strong enough to try again b/c I got pregnant quite by surprise.

As you can imagine I was terrified b/c no one could or would tell me why I had ruptured so early with Nicholas, so we didn’t even know what to look out for. My OB wanted to treat me as any other normal pregnant woman, but luckily my specialist took control of things early on. He put me on modified bed rest at 13 weeks. He had me scheduled to see my OB every 2 weeks until week 22 and then weekly thereafter. I was scanned regularly to check for incompetent cervix and also screened regularly for vaginal infections such as Bacteria Vaginosis. As it turned out I did have BV 3 times. I was treated all three times with Flagil, but the infection kept coming back. Each time we got it under control, but I am convinced that it was b/c of BV that my water broke with Nicholas and he was born so early. I also had a UTI that put me in L&D one Saturday but the meds took care of that as well.

Isabella was born on February 26th, 2001 at 40 weeks and 1 day! I went into labor with her at midnight the day after her due date. I labored with her at home until 4:00 pm that day and then went to get checked by my OB. I was 3 cm and 75% effaced and sent right to the hospital where I had a wonderful natural delivery and was holding my full term baby girl in my arms 5 hours later!! And what's really ironic is that they had to break my water at 8cm!!

So, all in all, an uneventful pregnancy. A stressful one, yes! I will not deny that. I was terrified every day that that was going to be the day that all hell would break loose. But the women on this list got me through it with their support and with their knowledge. It was only through learning what I did here that I even knew how and what to ask for in order to get my Bella here full term and healthy.

Thanks for reading!



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