The PPROM Page
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3 Stories about PROM at 37 weeks

The stories where the baby survived are marked with green, the stories where the babies did not make it are marked with blue. Black means it was a pregnancy with multiples with different outcome for the babies, or that the outcome is unknown.

PROM week Delivery week PROM Days
37 weeks37 weeks. 0
The pregnancy started as last time. I was bleeding on and off at around 12 - 16 weeks, and it scared me. I was tested for BV (Bacterial Vaginos) and treated at around 23 weeks... Read more »
37 weeks & 2 days37 weeks & 3 days. 1
I woke up at 5am the morning after I turned 24 feeling the need to urinate, but it was different. That feeling that you get when you're on your period and a clot is about to co... Read more »
37 weeks & 4 days37 weeks & 5 days. 1
My first pg was really hard. I was very ill with morning sickness ( should be all time sickness) I did pretty well get over this about 24 weeks along. I was in and out of hospi... Read more »