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This is a copy of the (P)PROM Page, a new page is under construction. v2.1 /Inkan July 12, 2011

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Veronica's PROM Story   by Veronica, Richardson, TX United States
PROM at 20 + 5 weeks, delivery at 21 + 2 weeks
Mail: vbnavarrette@netscape.net Story added 2004-09-07
First, and most important, I want to advice all of you moms-to-be to become proactive in your pregnancies. If you suspect that anything is not going right, don't rely on doctors to tell you different. Trust your intuition and demand the care you deserve.
My first pregnancy ended up in a miscarriage at 8 weeks. In my second pregnancy, once I surpassed the 12 weeks, I was so excited! Everything was going well, except that I noticed some yellowish discharge at times. It sometimes smelled funny. I told my doctor, but he said discharge was normal. At 13 weeks, I was laughing so hard I thought I had urinated, so I went to the bathroom and found bright red blood on my underwear. I called the doctor and he said to lay down and come in first thing in the morning. I had a sonogram done and they said it was a blood clot outside of the placenta. It was nothing to worry about. I was in bed rest until it went away. The bleeding lasted three days. A week later I was teaching, and when I sat on the floor, I felt some urine come out again. I went to the bathroom and again found bright red blood on my underwear. I had another sonogram and was told it was another blood clot. I was in bed rest for another three days. Then, everything seemed fine for almost two months. I felt great. Until around my anniversary, in my 20th week, I thought I had eaten something that made me sick. I kept having an urge to urinate every five minutes. Then I felt some stomach cramps that night. The next morning I noticed my underwear too wet. We drove back home and I called the doctor. He said to go in to see my doctor first thing in the morning. In the morning, I went to the bathroom and a gust of water came out. Fluid ran down my legs all the way to the hospital. My doctor was already waiting for me. He tested the fluid and told me it was amniotic fluid. The spececialist did a sonogram and told me I had lost all of my fluid. The baby was fine, but with no fluid. She had a strong heartbeat all the way through. I stayed in the hospital. I was told to pray a lot. We did. Four days later, our baby girl decided to come out. I had horrible lower back pain, and I was told I was in labor. She was born alive. We held her for two hours, and then she went to heaven. I was 21 weeks two days.
I'm now pregnant again, 19 weeks. I'm very nervous and scared. Yet, my NEW doctor has been amazing. He tested me for Bacterial Vaginosis at 10 weeks and found it was positive. That discharge I had last time was not normal. He put me on antibiotics for seven days and it went away. I haven't had it again. This time I didn't have any bleeding at any time. He checks me every two weeks. The next three weeks will be so stressful, but I'm almost sure my doctor will help me get through them. I have him check me EVERYTIME I feel something, even if he says I'm O.K. I checked myself into the hospital last week thinking I was leaking, but it was just increased discharge. They said I was fine, but I insisted on having a sonogram with a specialist before I was sent home. We're praying every day...but he feel that this time, this baby girl will make it to her due date.
PAP Story


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