The PPROM Page
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Jodie's PROM Story

By Jodie, Ontario Canada
PROM at 26 weeks + 3 days. Delivery at 34 weeks.
Story added: 2009-07-19
At 23 weeks it was discovered that our identical twins were suffering from Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. Baby A was our recipient and seemed more affected than baby B...he had tons of fluid, a full bladder and some flow issues in his cord. Baby B had no visible bladder and appeared to be stuck but all seemed well with him. It had only been occurring for a few days to a week at best.
I was sent to Toronto and it was determined that we were at Stage 3 of the disease and baby A's (now named Cole...finally we knew the sex of our babes as of our arrival in Toronto) heart was beginning to show the affects of extra fluid. His largest pocket was 8 the day before and was now 10. Cameron, our donor twin, still had no fluid and still looked good.
Laser surgery happened later that day and at this point the TTTS was now at stage 4...fluid had built up in Cole's abdomen and he was very ill. All of the vessels (14 in all) were ablated during surgery and everything seemed fine. We were warned that Cole was very sick and were sent for a fetal echo cardiogram the next day.
We were devastated to learn that he had passed away. It was so very difficult to grasp, to grieve, to carry on.
Cameron was doing ok but was now anemic and needed a blood transfusion...done in utero. A week later all seemed well with him and I geared up for a high risk pregnancy with bedrest at home.
Three weeks later I rolled over in bed and felt like I'd peed. I checked and the fluid was brown tinged. We went to the hospital but no further leaking happened so we were sent back home. As soon as I rolled over in bed again it happened again.
I was rushed by ambulance to a hospital with a NICU. I never had any signs of labour at all...thank goodness. The gushing stopped 2 days later and I hoped I was resealing though my doc didn't figure that would happen as the rupture was most likely from the laser surgery site.
I moved hospitals to be closer to home 12 days later and began to leak a lot again but still no labour. I had daily NST's and 2-3 times weekly ultrasounds. A few times I would have some contractions but nothing too worrisome. I had blood tinged fluid loss and Cameron's heartrate was elevated a few times...but again no labour.
On Feb.26th we welcomed our sons into the into our hands and one into God's. Cameron needed no vent support, only free flow oxygen. He was also IUGR and dropped of below the 1st percentile for weight until he was about 8 weeks corrected. He's now, at 13 weeks corrected, above the 10th percentile. He had a slight heart murmur and has contractures from the lack of fluid. We see a dietician and physio on a regular basis.
I am so very sad about the loss of Cole but also know that Cameron is such a miracle. I can only hope that someday, the other side of heaven's gates, that it will all finally make sense.
Please feel free to contact me if you read this story and want support or to share yours.