The PPROM Page
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Alyssa's PROM Story

By Alyssa, USA
PROM at 17 weeksDelivery at 30 weeks.
Story added: 2007-01-10
My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for over a year-in-a- half. I had been diagnosed with PCOS and endometriosis, so after a lap. and drugs to help me ovulate, we were excited to hear I was expecting twins. Twins also run in my family and I was happy to carry on the tradition.

I was leery of telling a lot of people about my pregnancy. For some reason I had such a fear that something was going to go wrong. I was about 10 weeks along when I had a subchronic bleed and did bed rest for a week, but once I made it to week 12, I was starting to feel more confident. We still had only told family and a few close friends about the pregnancy.

We found out we were having two girls at about week 15 and I was being monitored closely because of carrying twins. All was going well until April 5. I woke up that morning to get ready for work and noticed I was very wet. As I was getting ready for work water was running down my leg. I got to work and called me Dr. They had me come in and it was confirmed that is was definitely amniotic fluid. I went directly to have an ultrasound and found out my fluid on Baby A was around 3 or 4. My Dr. told me she was admitting me and that I could deliver soon. If I didn’t deliver soon, I would stay in the hospital until I delivered. She told us the grim odds and gave us a glimmer of hope when she said “you have about a 3% chance for the sac to re-seal if you don’t deliver within a few days.”

After two very stressful weeks I was given another ultrasound and we were shocked when my fluid was at 8. A week later another ultrasound revealed I had a level of about 12. Now Baby A even had more than Baby B. I was glad to hear that they were sending me home on strict bed rest and that I had a good chance of carrying my twins past 30 weeks.

Well, at week 28 I noticed a pink discharge and went in to see the Dr. I was shocked to hear that I was dilated 2 cm. So, I was admitted to my local hospital again and put on magnesium and never really had contractions. I was supposed to be going home the day after Father’s day, but woke up to steady contractions. I was rushed to a larger hospital with a NICU. I then spent two weeks there on medications to keep me from going into labor. On the night of June 29 I asked to be put on the monitor because I felt so much “pressure.” I was not contracting and was still only dilated 3 cm, but to my surprise I woke up in the middle of the night in a pool of blood and was told I was now 5 cm. After calling my husband to my side at about 3 a.m., I had an emergency c-section. On June 30 we welcomed our baby girls—Gianna Maria and Alessia Giorgia.

They of course were very small, Alessia (baby A) weighed 2 pounds 13 ounces and Gianna weighed 3 pounds 5 ounces. They spent 7 and 5 weeks in the NICU, but never really had any problems. They were considered “feeders and growers” from early on. Today they are 6 months old and both doing great.

We know we are so blessed to have these babies and I just want to let others know that miracles can happen.