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Krissy's PROM Story

By Krissy Free, Morgan City, LA USA
PROM at 17 weeksDelivery at 24 weeks + 1 days.
Story added: 2003-10-16
At 11 weeks my pregnancy started having alot of complications. I was going on vacation this past 4th of July and my doctor said it was no problem to go on a 10 hour drive as long as I got up and walked around every one or two hours. So Thats what I did and everything was fine well 6 hours into the drive I got up and went to go to the bathroom and when I looked down my pants were saturated with blood. So, I freaked out and went to the closest emergency room we could find. Well, I think the hospital I went to didn't know what they were talking about they did a vaginal exam and the doctor told me that I was bleeding from my cervix and he couldn't tell me anything more because he didn't have any of my past records from my doctor so he sent me home with directions saying you know if you start cramping really bad or passing any tissue or if I fill a pad in an hour then go back to the emergency room the Dr. didn't even give me an ultrasound he didn't check for the babies heartbeat nothing so I left the hospital not knowing if my baby was alive or not. And because it was a holiday weekend I couldn't see my doctor until Tuesday and this was Friday night. So, All weekend I went on bleeding but, no cramping. So, That tuesday I went to the doctor and I had an ultrasound and everything looked great the babies heartbeat was good and strong. So, from then on Every week I went to the doctor and had an ultrasound and the baby looked great also I was put on bedrest from then on. But, Still bleeding at 14 weeks I passed 2 huge blood clots and was bleeding heavily and went to the doctor and the baby was fine and the doctor said he didn't know where the bleeding was coming from. Well, at 16 weeks I completely stopped bleeding and we started to get really excited because we were so excited about this baby but, also very scared. So, A week went by and no bleeding then at 17 weeks I woke up and felt something and I thought great I'm bleeding again so I ran to the bathroom and when I looked down it was just water pouring out of me so I went grabbed the phone and called the doctor and all I thought was I'm only 17 weeks there is no way my water broke. Well, The doctor told me to meet him at the emergency room that next morning at 7 and we would see what was going on. Well, we did an ultrasound and it was my water there was none left we could hardly even see the baby on the monitor. So, the doctor checked me into the hospital and I stayed there for 3 days and the doctor told me that I would most probably go into labor in the next 48 hours well 48 hours went by and no contractions.So, the doctor told me for the risk of infection to me and the baby that he recommended me to induce. But, I told the doctor as long as the baby has a heartbeat I am not giving up on him. So, they let me go home after that on strict bedrest all I had was bathroom privileges and they put me on antibiotics and told me to check my temperature 3 X's a day. So, After that my doctor referred me to a maternal fetal specialist and I had to see him every week. He told me if I made it to 23 weeks they would put me back into a hospital 2 hours away because that was one of the best hospitals around and also the baby would be viable at 23 weeks. So, Every week went by and no water but the baby still had a strong heartbeat. So, We were all very Excited because I made it to 23 weeks I went on to the hospital two hours away and My mom stayed with me because the dad to be had to work. So, Everything was going fine and they did a stress test twice a day and the baby was moving all over place and also the doctors told me that I wouldn't be able to feel the baby at all. But, My baby stayed strong. Well, at 23 weeks 6 days I started having contractions every 7 minutes so they put me on the magnesium and everything was ok I stopped having contractions and the baby was doing great moving around and had a strong heartbeat. Well, 24 weeks 1 day the doctor came in my room at 5 o' clock in the morning and told me that they were going to have to do an emergency c-section because the baby was breech and I caught a fever and they were scared I had an infection so, October 6, 2003 At 6:11 Our baby was born a beautiful baby boy weighing 1 lb. 4 ounces We named him Braden James and They rushed him straight to the NICU and Hours went by and we didn't know what was going on so, Finally at 11 o' clock they came in my room and got me and the dad and we got to go see our son he was absolutely everything I asked for except He was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Lungs and the doctors said there was nothing they could do for him. So, We both got to hold him and kiss him and tell him that we loved him and they also let us dress him and bathe him and I cherish the moments we got to spend with him and Then god took him from us a couple of hours later. But, It comforts us to know that our precious baby is safe in God's care now.