The PPROM Page
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Susan's PROM Story

By Susan, Dayton, OH USA
PROM at 31 weeks + 2 days. Delivery at 32 weeks + 1 days.
Story added: 2002-03-27
For the first 28 or so weeks of my pregnancy, things were going well. Then I lost my mucus plug at about 28 weeks. I called my OB and was told not to worry and what I should watch for (I don't think they were sure it was actually my plug as opposed to mucus discharge, but I know it was the plug itself). I began to experience an occasional throbbing pain on one side of my back. The pain would come and go, but at times in the few days prior to the PROM, it was excruciating. I thought it was a pinched nerve; my OB suspected a kidney infection and had me scheduled for an ultrasound. We never made it that far. At 31 weeks, the pains in my back got so bad that my stomach was contracting, so we headed to the hospital. I was having mild contractions. I stayed in the hospital for two days (I did get that kidney ultrasound--no infection), and they were able to make the contractions stop, so I was sent home. Later that evening, I got up to use the bathroom and my water broke. Back to the hospital we went. After six days of bed rest, drugs to stop the labor, and careful monitoring, I was fully dilated and the baby was on her way. Our daughter was born at 32 wks and 1 day, weighing 3 lbs. 4 1/4 oz. She was healthy and was breathing on her own. Besides a few days of jaundice, she just needed to grow. After four weeks of being in the NICU, she came home with us. However, two weeks after being home, she became gravely ill and we rushed her to the Children's hospital. She was diagnosed with late onset Group B Strep. After a very scary few days, she bounced back and was sent home with an IV to continue her antibiotics. Since that setback, she has developed amazingly and today is a healthy 23 month old with no lasting effects from her prematuraty. We are so very blessed. I am now 9 1/2 weeks pregnant, and like many other mothers who have contributed to this site, am concerned about PROM again. This is such an uncertain situation. But we are working closely with my OB and a high risk specialist to closely monitor this pregnancy. I am now considered GBS positive and will be treated as such during delivery. I am keeping my hopes, and my prayers, high. Good luck to you all.