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Emma's PROM Story

By Emma White, Wakefield England
PROM at 17 weeks + 3 days. Delivery at 17 weeks + 3 days.
Story added: 2010-07-04
I lost our son on the 17th of April 2010, i woke up about 4am on the saturday morning feeling a really strange sensation in my abdomen , so i went down to the toilet thinking my bladder must be really full, i then went back up to bed to toss and turn trying to get comfortable for ten minutes before waking my partner up and making our way back downstairs to the toilet as i got to the bottom of the stairs i felt a massive gush of water, at the time i did not realise it was my waters it was my first pregnancy and the amniotic fluid was blood colured, i then immediatly started bleeding quite heavily, so i rushed to the hospital and was seen straight away, when the student nurse went to get another nurse i suddenly started hemorrhaging in the room, what happened next is a bit of a blur as it happened so fast, i was immediatly put on the bed changed hooked up to a water drip and made nil by mouth, amongst a nurse getting a cannula stuck half in my arm deciding to take blood out of it anyway and then removing it( i was VERY scared of needles up until this hospital stay)i was then moved up to the gynecology ward where we heard our sons heartbeat very strongly, so the consultant decided we DID NOT need a ultrasound, not once was i told my waters had broken or even a possibility of it suggested, anyway i was then put on bedrest in a room of my own monitored every half hour, about 1.30pm i began hemorrhaging again and suddenly felt a constant pain in my abdomen, the nurses all rushed in at this point, once again i heard my sons heartbeat but this time it was slow, not the strong heartbeat, we had heard at every other time, then the doctor came in and said the words the broke my heart forever, i'm sorry your baby is coming and there is nothing we can do, i was given pethadine to help with the pain and delivered our son, Robert Jack Brewins into the world at 14.10pm that afternoon, i wish i could say everything went smootlhy from there but it didnt, after several attempts at trying to get my blood the doctors had to give up for the day as my veins had pretty much collapsed, the next hours were a blur, i was so numb i could not take anything in until we saw our son in the evening, he looked so perfect just like his dad, he looked like he was just sleeping though, the next day my blood results came back and i was told i had to have 2 transfusions as i had lost dangerous amount of blood and was severly anaemic, 11pm on the sunday night i was discharged 2 and a half weeks later we had our angel cremated, exactly a month after his birth on the 17th of May we laid him to rest in his own special plot at the nearby cemetry, we visit our angel often, we miss him so much, nearly 3 months down the line i still have not got my limited postmortem results or even began any of the tests they want to do, sorry for such a long story, but i just wanted to tell it how it was xxx