By Alisha Reice, Orting, WA USAWhen I was pregnant on bedrest I would always read thses stories and wonder how mine would go. Well first, I am a mother of 2 little girls 5 & 3. My husband and I got married November 23, 2008. He has a son who is 8.We decided we wanted to have a baby together and got started right away. I found out I was pregnant on January 20, 2009. We were so excited my husband called everyone he knew at 5am just to tell them the news!! Everything was fine. Then April 20, 2009 I was walking out of the grocery store with my 3 kids and felt a gush of water come out. It leaked through my pants. When I got home I changed, and called my OB. They told me to get down to the emergency room right away. I was freaking out. I called my husband and work, and told him to meet me down there. They did an ultrasound which they never let me see, and got me transferred to labor and delivery where my OB meet us. He told us my water broke and that I would probably go into labor within the next 72 hours. I stayed in the hospital for 3 days where they all kept asking me if I wanted to induce labor. My husband and I cried pretty much for those three days. When the lady did the ultrasound we could see our baby, but not very well. She told us she thought it was a boy.
PROM at 16 weeks + 2 days. Delivery at 28 weeks + 5 days.
Story added: 2009-11-25
Well long story short. I went home and started going to a high risk pregnancy doctor. They informed me about infections, and that I would go into the hospital at 24weeks until I delivered. My OB told me the whole time to just terminate because he would never make it. My husband and I are strong believers and agreed that whatever God's plan was he would take care of our son. At 24weeks we checked into Swedish Medical Center where we spent Fathers Day, 4th of July. It was horrible I hated it. Being a mom already I never saw my babies, but my husband was with me everyday. He spent 5 weeks with me in the hospital. I started having some bleeding at 26weeks, so the doctors gave me steriods to help speed up the lung development. Sometimes on the monitor I could hear him hiccup!! On July 14, 2009 I woke up having some cramping. I told the nurse and they put me on the monitor. They contractions started getting worse, so I called my husband at work and told him to get to the hospital. Two hours went by. I was screaming the pain would not go away, but the contractions stopped showing up. They gave me pain meds and still it did not work, so finally they decided it was time. My babies heart rate was going up really high too. We went straight down to the surgery room I knew I was having a C-section because I had 2 others before. It went by so fast the next thing I knew my son was born. I was waiting for him to cry, but he never did. He was purple when he came out. All the NICU nurses were around him I couldnt see him. My husband had the biggest smile on his face, but I knew something was wrong. They could not get him stable. I was os scared. Then the nurses pulled an alarm that went off it was so loud. All I could see was them wisk him away, and of course my husband went with them. I had an infection around my uterus, and as soon as they cut me open it spread through my body. My blood pressure went really low, and I started shaking. They took me to ICU. I didnt care about myself all I wanted to know was if my son was stable. My husband came down a hour later, and told me they had him stable, and that he was alright. Everytime my husband went to check on him I got scared. I was so affriad he would come back crying, but he never did. The next day I was taken into the regular post pardom floor. I was happy because I knew I was going to finally see my son. Colton John Reice was born on July 14, 2009 at 3:19pm he was 2lbs 6oz and 12in long. He is now 4months old. He is still in the hospital, but he is doing well. We are hoping he will be home around the new year!! Going through this was the worst nightmare I have ever experienced, but God is more powerful then any doctor or machine. Let him determine the fate of your child. I just wish these doctors would not be so negavtive. Just remember God gives us nothing we cannot handle. If you have any questions trust me I have been there, so please contact me!