The PPROM Page
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Jennifer's PROM Story

By Jennifer Eirikis, Audubon, PA USA
PROM at 27 weeksDelivery at 34 weeks + 1 days.
Story added: 2009-01-08
This was a miracle pregnancy for us. I was born with a unicorniate uterus and an abnormally shaped cervix. We went through many years of fertility treatments, many procedures, tons of money and no baby. Two doctors told me it was unsafe to carry a baby and to either adopt or get a gestation surrogate to carry. We decided to go all the way and get a gestational surrogate. She got pregnant with our twin girls but then went into labor at 19 weeks and sadly they passed away. We escaped to Italy and came home to find out that I was pregnant! Should I be feeling happy or sad? It was not an easy pregnancy, I was terrified that I was going to have something horrible go wrong. Right away my doctor told me I at high risk due to my uterus and cervix and I needed to see a specialist. I would see him ever 2 weeks and my OBGYN on a weekly basis.
The last week in June my high risk doctor did his ultra sound and measured the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby and it was 27 which was high. I never really felt the baby move and my OBGYN said it was due to the large amount of fluid around the baby. Then on July 6th I kept running to the bathroom to urinate every 20 min. Then at 5:30pm I felt like I wet myself. I waited a few minutes and it happened again so I called my doctor and took a shower. I saw a spot of blood but that was it. By the time we got to the hospital I was drenched and tests confirmed that my water had broken at 27 weeks. We were devistated and prepared for the worst. The baby was fine and I was not having contractions. I did test positive for Group B ( I had to get antibiotics for this while I was in labor). I got my 2 steriod shots and got hooked up to IV fluids and antibiotics. The peri came in and explained to us what we could expect if I delivered the baby.
I remember on the 2nd night around 12:30am a team of doctors came running in and were moving me all around, here the baby's heart beat dropped for 6 mins and was not coming back up. It ended up being that I was laying on my left side and from then on I had to sit up even when I slept. After the third day I was taken off of the fluids since I was drinking enough water. After a week I got moved to the antepardum unit where I would stay on bed rest until I delivered the baby. Who knew I would be in the hospital, on bed rest for 47 days. I had lots of support from family and friends but also from the doctors and nurses at the hospital. Everyone from the front desk, to the cleaning crew, cafeteria staff and the valet parkers knew who I was and my family. They were all counting down the days until I had the baby.
Around two weeks or so I was finally able to get up and take a 5 min shower ever other day. I would do my hair all nice just to make myself feel good and I also got wheelchair privledges 2 times a day. On a weekly basis I would get wheeled to my high risk doctor's office for an ultra sound to check our baby's heart beat, the flow of the cord and the amount of fluid. If there was a concern I would have been induced. To everyone's surprise the fluid amount had gone back up so now it was just rest and wait.
Finally on Aug 20 I got induced and was in labor for 36 hours- I was not dialate and didn't have any contractions.
After pushing for 1 1/2 hours on Aug 22nd we welcomed to the world our baby boy Brandon who was 4lbs 7oz 18.5 inches long. We knew he would be in the ICN for 10-20 days and he was in there for 20 days exactly. He could not eat for the first 7 days- he had to be on meds to close a hole in his heart ( this is not uncommon with a preemie). He also was squished inside of me and when he came out his right foot was bent all the way back but it went back to normal on it's own.
I was so happy to finally be able to go home but I was so sad to leave our baby. I was so use to not doing anything, my muscles got extremely weak and I could not drive for over a month and had lots of muscle problems. I would have to depend on my mom to drive me to the hospital during the day- she didn't mind seeing her grandchild and my husband would visit him at night after work.
We were able to bring Brandon home on Sept 11th and we are happy to say that he is getting very big and is over 12 lbs!
I wanted to share my story since I was told that it was impossible to carry a baby and I did it! There would be nothing else that I would have done differently and I would do it all over again. Who knows if I will be able to get pregnant again or if I would be on bed rest at the hospital. We are just so happy to have this miracle baby in our lives and we have two beautiful angels watching over us who helped us get through everything. Even my high risk doctor and the doctors at the hospital were shocked that I was able to stay on bed rest as long as I did. It was all worth it!