The PPROM Page
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Wendy's PROM Story

By Wendy, Warrington England
PROM at 26 weeks + 1 days. Delivery at 27 weeks.
Story added: 2008-12-18
after my waters broke at 26wks i was admitted to hospial for 5 days, i was monitored and spoke to a doctor from the scbu, he told me the chances of survival would increase with each week my pregnancy continued, i was shown around the unit were my baby would be taken after birth.
At 27wks i started to have contractions and feel unwell so went to the hospital, the baby was coming the cord was visible i was taken for an emergacy c section.
when alex was born he weighed 2lbs 2oz, he has an serious infection, he was resusatated for 8 mins then ventalated for 4 days then onto c pap for 4 wks.alex had a biralatral brain heamorage, he wasnt expected to survive for more thean a couple of hours.
After 4 wks alex was doing ok had the usual problems prems have but was making progress he was put in high depandancy but less than 24hrs there his body gave up, he was rescusatated several times, he was transfered to a bigger neo natal unit were surgeons were watching him, his body had swelled up he was unreconisable, after 10 days they operated as there was response to medication, again we were told he probably wouldnt survive,he was in thearter for 6 hours, he did survive, he had NEC a part of his bowl had died and was causing a blockage, his bowl had ruptuered and again his tiny body was infected.
Alex spent the next 8 weeks on a ventalater then onto c pap then nasal oxygen, he had his ups and downs but he was ment to be here, he fought so hard, he came home when he was nearly 5 months old, alex has chronic lung disease as he was vented for such a long time, he come home on oxygen.
Alex is nearly one now he come of oxgyen a few weeks ago and is doing fantastic, he is rolling around and babbling, we cant be sure at the moment that he has no brain damage but at the moment things are looking good..if your are going through this please take a little insparation from my story these babies are tough little cookies..keep your chin up through the bad times and treasure every presious cuddle. x x x