The PPROM Page
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Carla's PROM Story

By Carla, Apopka, Florida USA
PROM at 28 weeksDelivery at 28 weeks.
Story added: 2000-08-22
My water broke one Sunday night while I was watching TV. I had just started my 28th week. I thought I had laughed to hard and leaked urine. I went to the doctor the next morning. I had just been there on Friday for my monthly visit, and had no problems at all.

I was admitted to the hospital (Arnold Palmer Hospital for Women and Children) the day I was supposed to start my childbirth classes. There was no sign of infection, but I was given antibiotics as a precaution. I was also given steroids. The Dr wanted to see if I could make it to 34 weeks. The baby was sitting very low and off to one side. If I raised my leg, his heart rate would drop. For 4 days I was on a fetal monitor 24hrs a day. Every 3 hours I had to call the nurse in, so I could change position. It took several minutes each time to relocate the monitors to get a good signal. I had been having occasional contractions, but by Friday they had stopped, so the Dr said I could go the night without the monitors. I awoke 5 hours later in pain. I was in labor, and the baby's but was in the way when the Dr tried to examine me.

I was taken for a C-section, and 20 minutes later Chase was born. He weighed 2lbs, 7oz. He was in the NICU about 2 weeks, then moved to Stepdown. He did really well. He came home at 6 weeks ( 6 weeks earlier than they thought he would) and is wonderful. He has had no out of the ordinary health/developmental issues, except some tactile defensiveness, which we went to PT and worked through. He is a typical 2 1/2 year old (in other words, a TERROR!) :)