The PPROM Page
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Lee Anne's PROM Story

By Lee Anne Taylor, Ontario Canada
PROM at 17 weeksDelivery at 22 weeks + 3 days.
Story added: 2008-09-08
I have a 7 year old daughter and had a great pregnancy with her, no real issues. I have since married a wonderful man and we decided to have a child together. From the very begining this pregnancy was different. At 12 weeks I began bleeding heavily and thought I was having a miscarriage. I continued bleeding throughout the pregnancy which varied from spotting to heavy with large clots. I was being monitored for the bleeding with ultrasounds every two weeks and 2 different visits to the hospital because of the amount of blood. In my 18th week I met with my doctor who told me that the latest ultrasound showed 90% of my amniotic fluid was missing. I was refered to a couple of specialists and monitored closely but I never regained my fluid. I was counseled about terminating the pregnancy by a few doctors but it was not the right choice for me. I went in for my check up two weeks ago and the baby no longer had a heartbeat. I was induced that night and had my baby boy the next morning at 3:20. We named him Tucker (my maiden name). We held him and kept him with us for 2 hours before saying goodbye. I found great comfort in burrying him with my Grandma. The last two weeks have been really hard and I miss having him with me. He was never really given much of a chance but fought a hard fight to stay with us. Our best comfort is knowing we have a little angel watching over us.