The PPROM Page
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Elizabeth's Post PROM Story

By Elizabeth, NYC USA
PROM at 32 weeksDelivery at 35 weeks + 3 days.
Story added: 2008-09-03
This was my second pregnancy. I had prommed with my first at 34 weeks, and been told it was a fluke. My OB said that she had never seen a multiple prom in her years of practice. I was not given any restrictions or treated differently, and assured that it wouldn't happen again.
It did. At 32 weeks to the day, I prommed. Up until then it had been an uneventful pregnancy, but this was it. I knew I had to stay in the hospital, and assumed I wouldn't go into labor and would be induced at 35 weeks. No big deal, except for leaving my 20 month old at home. I had hardly any leaking and a good AFI, so I just waited. At the time, they delivered PROM babies at either 34/35 weeks, so the induction was set up for 33+6. I endured 24 hours of Pitocin induced contractions that were unproductive. I was sent back to my room to wait a few days. A few days later we tried again. More Pit, no cervical change. Attempt #3 was at 35 weeks and was finally successful (with help from a few doses of Cervidil and Cytotec).
I gave birth to Caitlin who weighed in at 5 lbs 5 oz and 19". She remained in the NICU for 6 days for jaundice.
She is now 4 and has just started Pre- K.

Elisabeth´s first pregnancy >>
Elisabeth´s third pregnancy >>