By Stasia, Los Angeles, CA USAI'm writing this to give the hope I needed when I was laying in a hospital bed wondering what was going to happen to my baby nine months ago.
PROM at 24 weeks + 6 days. Delivery at 35 weeks + 2 days.
Story added: 2008-07-10
I ruptured on October 13, 2007 at 3 a.m. when I was 24 weeks pregnant. My 2 1/2-year-old son came into our room asking for a glass of water, I stood up and ... gush. (My due date was January 27th.) We rushed to the hospital, where my husband and I were told that most women with PPROM usually deliver some time within 48 hours to two weeks of rupturing. We did the steroid shots right away (and another dose later around 27 weeks, I think). A NICU doc outlined the challenges that preemies face so early, which scared us to death. I had never heard of PPROM, so I panicked that night.
Then slowly over the next few days, we researched, surrounded ourselves with unbelievable support from family and friends, and got centered. I decided to focus on the 'good' things about the situation: I was able to rest before the birth of our daughter. My son was spending quality time with his grandparents. I was becoming friends with my nurses. People were bringing me food when I rang a bell. Although that may sound ridiculous, I am certain that staying positive and grateful in the face of potential tragedy is part of what gave us a miracle. Another part was meditation and prayer. Mine, yes, but mostly from others. I'm not a particularly 'religious' person, but I will tell you I felt something in that hospital room ... something like a warm peaceful cocoon ... something very spiritual.
Finally, I have a instinct that my rupture was small and high (perhaps amnio related). I think that is why I never got an infection (which was everyone’s biggest concern because it’s commonly the reason why ruptured women go into labor.) I kept visualizing the rupture getting smaller and smaller, despite the fact that I was leaking more and more amniotic fluid. And I listened to the medical professionals: I STAYED IN BED and only got up (two steps) to go to the bedside commode.
I had a fetal monitor on me continuously, even when I slept. They took my temperature and blood pressure several times throughout the day and night.
I made a chart with my personal goal of reaching 36 weeks (my docs, who thought I’d be lucky to make it to Halloween, then Thanksgiving, only wanted me to go to 34 weeks because of the risk of infection. They wanted to induce at 34.) Every Sunday I would check off our accomplishment. Two weeks down, 10 to go. Five down, 7 to go. When we were deciding on names and read that “Colette” means victory, we knew that’s what we’d call her. We wanted to cross a finish line.
One thing I needed to be careful of when I was in the hospital was spending too much time looking at the internet. A bit of research is healthy, but obsessing shifted me from gratitude to worry. And I knew that could change everything. I needed to feel positive about whatever happened. I needed to know we could handle whatever outcome we faced. When I finally truly felt that, I relaxed. I spoke with some wonderful, strong women who had preemies and handled their situations with grace. They gave me great advice and great comfort.
The hardest part of the whole experience was not being able to see my husband and son every day. But we knew it was for the best and, of course, it was not forever.
In the end, we were so very fortunate. Colette didn't make her appearance until December 26, 2007, at 35 weeks 2 days ... the day after I took my first walk 30 feet down the hall (my Christmas present.) She was born completely naturally within 25 minutes of the first serious contraction. It was all very fast. I was watching the 6 o’clock news one minute and I was pushing out a baby the next. My husband and OB arrived just 10 minutes before Colette did.
She spent a week in the NICU after her lung collapsed during the delivery. She was on a ventilator for 24 hours and had jaundice as well. All nothing compared to what I worried about on that first night, 11 weeks earlier.
Still now, every day my eyes well up over the gift we were given. And I’m actually grateful for the way she came to us too. It makes it all even sweeter.
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