The PPROM Page
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Sabrina's PROM Story

By Sabrina, New York Usa
PROM at 27 weeks + 5 days. Delivery at 29 weeks + 2 days.
Story added: 2008-04-01
I had a very normal pregancy until my 26 weeks glucose test when I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I started a diabetic diet right away and two days later didn't feel right. I called the dr on call who asked us to come to labor and delivery to have a look at me. My water broke in the hospital just before she examined me. I don't think I have ever been more terrified in my whole life.

I was given steriods and left in the delivery room for two days since they thought I would deliver within 48 hours...My husband slept in the chair by my side. After that time passed, I was put on bed rest in the hospital and managed to stay pregnant for another week. During that week I had a sonogram everyday to check to see the baby was ok, each time I was wheeled down the hall on a stretcher for it. One morning I just woke up in labor...and 15 hours of labor and 20 mins of pushing later, Zachary Peter was born weighing 3lbs 4 oz. I was able to give him a kiss but then he was taken downstairs to the NICU, where he stayed for the next 3.5 months. His lungs were premature and required extra oxygen via a cpap and then a nasal canula. After a few weeks he was diagnosed with BPD when his oxygen needs became greater not lesser. 3.5 long months later, we brought him home on a nasal cannuala. One week later he no longer needed the extra oxygen and is doing great! He is now 7 months old, weighs 15lbs and you would never know he was a preemie or had such a traumatic entrance into the world. We use his adjusted age for Developmental milestones and he is right on target. We had him evaluated by early intervention and so far they don't think he needs any services. We are very grateful for this blessing.

When I was in the hospital on bedrest I spent many hours on this site reading other people's stories, trying to make heads or tails of everything that was happening to me. Reading everyone's stories gave me such comfort, realizing I was not alone that I felt I had to share mine.

we are now thinking about starting on #2, which is very scary for me even though everything worked out.