By Beth, Plainfield, IL USAI woke up at 2 am on June 14, 1997 and I felt leaking. This was my first baby and I wasn,t sure if it was amniotic fluid or what? I went back to sleep and woke up at 5am and was still leaking. I turned to my husband and told him what was going on and we called the doctor. The doctor said it is too early for your baby to be born, meet me at the hospital immediately.
PROM at 28 weeksDelivery at 32 weeks.
Story added: 1998-11-15
They gave me mag to stop the contractions. I didn't even know I was having contractions. After I was stabalized, I was transferred to a different hospital that was better suited to handle my baby when she was born. I was kept it the icu for three days and monitored for contractions. After the contractions stopped on there own, I was moved to a regular hospital room. I spent the next three and a half weeks on bedrest. I was also part of a study where I may have received some super antibiotic to help prevent infection. I also received a steriod shot once a week for three weeks to help the baby,s lungs develop faster.
Well, after staying on bedrest for three and a half weeks, Lucy Marie was born weighing 4 lbs. 16.5 inches. She had and apgar of 9 and only needed oxygen for a couple of hours. She did had some bouts with apnea and had a good case of reflux. She came home from the hospital 2 weeks after delivery, with a ng feeding tube, apnea monitor, and a lot of medicine. We were very happy to have her home.
Lucy is now 16 months old. She is the cutest, happiest child. She has hypotonia, and is not walking yet. We bring her to physical therapy once a week, and with a little luck and a lot of hard work, she will walk soon. She is doing very well, and we are so lucky.