The PPROM Page
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Denise's PROM Story

By Denise Miller, Carmichael, CA USA
PROM at 23 weeks + 5 days. Delivery at 33 weeks.
Story added: 2007-09-03
In January of 2007 we found out we were expected our second child and our first son.

The pregnancy was a normal one we found out we were having a boy at our 12 week appointment and were so excited.

At 20 weeks, we found out that our son had a single artery umbilical cord. We had a level 3 ultra sound at 21 weeks and everything was normal and healthy. We were told that we would do a growth scan at 30 weeks to verify he was still growing and should expect a normal pregnancy.

On June 2, 2007 at about 12:30 AM, I woke up soaking wet. It had been so hot the day before so I assumed I had peed the bed from lack of bladder control. I got up to use the restroom and noticed my bladder was full.

When I continued to leak, I told my husband who packed up my daughter and got us both in the car to head to the hospital. We dropped my daughter off on the way expecting to pick her up in a couple of hours.

When we got to the hospital we had a fern test. The first was inconclusive, the second was positive for amniotic fluid.

Within moments IVs were started for Magnesium Sulfate, I didn't feel them, but I was contracting every 3 minutes. I was given antibiotics, my rogam shot (I am A-) and my first dose of steroids.

I met with the perniatlogist and had an ultrasound. Our son was only 23 weeks and 5 days gestation and the ultrasound showed his weight at 14 ounces. He was also breech and I had a fluid level of 8.8.

I was told that I would most likely deliver in 24 hours and our son would not make it. I was admitted to the hospital on strict bed rest.

24 hours passed and I was still pregnant. Then we hit 24 weeks and I was still pregnant. I stayed that way until I reached 33 weeks gestation. It was a long 9 weeks in the hospital, but we were cautious about visitors, I was obsessed with fluids and we were determined to have a healthy outcome.

When I hit 30 weeks, the fluid dropped to 3. When I hit 31 weeks, I didn't have a single fluid pocket. My risk of infection sky rocketed and I was told I would deliver no later than 34 weeks.

On the morning I hit 33 weeks, I went into full blown labor. I went from having a closed cervix to being completely dialated, ready to push in 2 hours. I had an emergency cesarean and heard the soft cries of our little boy. He weighed 4 pounds 14 ounces. Our 9 weeks gave him 4 pounds of weight and the chance for survival we were told we would never have.

Matthew spent 2 days on the vent, 3 on Cpap and 5 on oxygen. He was discharged after 26 days in the NICU and his doing great.

Matthew does not need oxygen, medication of monitors. He does have lung disease and he does have a small hole in his heart, but he is our perfect little prince.