The PPROM Page
© 1998-2025 Inkan

Anonymous's PROM Story

By Anonymous, Bklyn kings
PROM at 26 weeksDelivery at 26 weeks.
Story added: 2000-06-26
Unlike the other stories with happy endings mine went like this.

I was on bedrest from about 9 weeks of pregnancy. Doing great, nothing out of the normal happening. I visited my OB at approximately 5 mths, he told me my cervix we opening and I was having contractions of which i was not feeling, ordered me to hospital of which i went. While in the hospital i can monitored given medications to help in the development of the baby and everything was fine with myself and baby. On November 20, 1999 at night i began having contractions which was monitored and i was also given more medications which only help for short periods. The next day everything got worst, and worst, i begged the Dr. tending to me to please lets have a c- section, I also asked her to call my Private Dr. and my Husband of which she did after several hours, I waited in pain my water broke and there was more pain.

Then finally on Sunday Morning approx. 8 a.m. my baby heart rate slowed, I was rushed into the OR or emergency c- section. I was put totally out so i don't know what happen, all I remember waking up some hours laster and seeing my bundle of joy wrapped in a blanket lying between my legs. I could not beleive my eyes, my husband was there I asked him what happen he told me they told him the baby was doing fine, and he went to tell our families, when he returned he was greeting with this awfull news, I felt and still feel that my heart was toren out completely. Presently I have no explanination as the they reason.

I am very happy to see that people with some of the same problems have healty babies, you don't know how blessed you are. I do believe that GOD will show me a way. I personally feel the Hospital was negligent i am doing my best to find out what happened. Please keep me in your prayers.