By Christina, USAMy pregnancy with Benjamin was our 12th pregnancy. We have 10 living children (all healthy pregnancies, except one due to listeria food poisoning) and one early miscarriage. We were very excited when we found out we were pregnant. I tested on my oldest son's 16th birthday. I spotted at 6 weeks and then again at 8 weeks. I had never spotted in any other pregnancy.
PROM at 16 weeksDelivery at 23 weeks.
Story added: 2007-05-28
On the morning of Nov. 19, my brother and his wife had a baby boy. We went to the hospital to see him and that night I woke up in a puddle of water. Lots of it. I knew my water had broke. I was 16 weeks pregnant. I woke Steve, my husband, who just thought I had leaked some water and didn’t realize the seriousness of what had happened. I layed there all night waiting to go into labor. I had some cramps but nothing that felt like labor. In the morning I called my midwife and she said to come in for a visit and an ultrasound. She met me at the door of the clinic and told me to expect the worst- the baby was probably dead. The ultrasound showed very little fluid and a live baby. I could see him moving his arm. They could see contractions on the screen also. My midwife sent me home to miscarry. I waited 10 days and the little guy was still kicking. I went in for an appointment with the perinatologist and he gave me all of the grave and very sad news. He did not encourage me to terminate but he did tell me that the baby had a small chance of survival and gave me lots of statistics. Aside from not having any measurable fluid, Benjamin looked fine. He measured right on and his heart and everything looked good. He was fighting for his life and so I was going to make sure he had every chance. I was on complete bedrest at home and was very faithful about staying in bed, which was not easy with 10 other children to care for, but they all pitched in and were very helpful.
At 22 weeks, two days before Christmas, I started to bleed very heavily in the middle of the night. I felt more liquid than I was normally leaking and stood up and blood was gushing out. We went in an ambulance to the hospital and again, the little guy was still kicking. I spent a few nights there, spotting off and on. I had had a placenta abruption. I came home on bedrest again and a few days later started to bleed heavily again. I was back in the hospital and I could see that the doctors did not have much hope. One Dr. offered to induce labor because we looked so tired and there was not a very good chance our little guy would make it. We could not do that because there was a bit of hope and we could not take that away. He was just a week away from "viability". So, I layed in the hospital for a few days- knowing that this baby was probably dying inside me. I could see it on the Drs. and nurses faces and I knew it in my heart. I came home again on bedrest and I was so sad. I could feel that Benjamin was slowing down- not kicking as much. We spent our 17th wedding anniversary eating lobster brought over by a friend in our bedroom- Steve at a little kid's play table and me in my recliner.
On Thursday, January 4th right before I went to bed, I felt Benjamin kick. The next day we got up and went to the peri for a check-up and we were expecting to be told what we heard all along - that he was still kicking away - and we were anticipating being given information for the hospital stay which was to start at 24 weeks. Instead after about an hour into the checkup we were told that he had recently passed away. I never for a moment- since my water broke had much hope for Benjamin to live but I never thought that I would not meet him. Steve and I were both shocked. Maybe I should have not been so shocked but I had pictured saying good-bye to him many times- the Drs all said that he could live for hours or maybe a couple days and that there was a small chance he would make it. I never pictured him dead before I met him. The Dr. thought it best that we induce because of the placenta abruptions, I had a greater chance of bleeding. We left the clinic and drove around for hours. We decided on the baby's name, planned his memorial service and cried buckets.
The induction took over 2 days. I normally have quick labors and even had a baby in a van and here I was 2 days later still in the hospital without one contraction. They gave me a 24 hour rest from the induction. I remained in the hospital and mostly Steve and I spent that time crying and mourning. It was a very special time for us to be able to grieve so fully together. Benjamin was born January 7, 2007 at 2pm. I only had one contraction. The 7 weeks without fluid were not kind to his body and the 2 weeks of being deprived of oxygen from the placenta abruptions were not kind to the shape of his head. He had a rough journey and it was so obvious just by looking at him. Our hearts were broken. I started to bleed very heavily about 10 minutes after he was born and ended up going for a D&C.
We held Benjamin again after the surgery and said good-bye. We had a beautiful memorial service for him and buried him in our town's cemetery. We are grateful that his suffering was minimal and that he never knew anything but his mother's warmth and comfort, but at the same time, we really wish we could have met him, if only for a brief amount of time. He is deeply missed.