By Stacy, Detroit, Michigan UsaMy husband and I had been together 11 years when we decided to get serious about having kids. We knew we had fertility problem, and began seeking treatments. We did treatments for over a year and became pregnant with our 1st ivf in Sept 2006. We were so happy.
PROM at 21 weeks + 3 days. Delivery at 34 weeks + 1 days.
Story added: 2007-05-14
My pregnancy had been uneventful, no morning sickness or anything else. At 21w 3d, I was at a family party, got up to get something to eat and felt a gush. I was in immediate denial. I went to the bathroom and seen that my pants were soaked with clear fluid. It had no smell. I knew it was not urine. I called my ob, it was the weekend, so I had to wait for the on- call doctor to call me back. She advised to go to the ob triage at the hospital to be evaluated.
I had to drive 45 mins to get home to get my husband and we went straight to the hospital. I am a nurse and knew that this was not good. I was scared to death.
I was taken to an exam room, the nurses and docs tried to calm us and say that it is probably nothing, just urine leakage. I was hoping, but I knew deep down that my membranes had ruptured.
The did a vaginal exam and seen pooling of fluid and did a nitrazine test and it was positive for amniotic fluid. They then did an ultrasound, and seen that my fluid level was very low, 1.5cm.
We were advised by the doctors that I would be admitted and given IV antibiotics and monitored. They said the prognosis was very grim, most pprom's will start labor within 48 hours and the risk for infection was extremly high. Most likely my baby would have to be delivered soon and since I was not 24 weeks yet, the baby would not survive. If we did make it past 24 weeks, the point of viability, It would be a 50/50 shot that the baby's lungs would be developed enough to sustain life.
Well, I stayed in the hospital and labor never started, I never developed an infection. I received steroid at 24weeks. They monitored the baby everyday and did weekly ultra sound to monitor the fluid. I did start to rebuild my fluid, and at one point, the level was over 4cms, but on average it was between 2cms and 3cms until 27 weeks. At that point I started to leak fluid again and it was a lot. I was soaking femine pads every 2-3 hours with amniotic fluid. The baby continued to do well during the non-stress test that I had 2 times every day. At this point the fluid stayed low, 1cm-1.5cms. The doctors were amazed that I had not started labor or had an infection yet. They dedcided that if nothing happened before 34 weeks, they would deliver me then.
They scheduled a c-sect for 34w 2d, and everything stayed the same until 34weeks exactly. I started having contractions. I did not have any the whole time until then. The contraction were irregular but continued all night long. My ob decided that we would not wait until my scheduled c-sect the next day, that he would come back after his office hours that night and do my c-section. At this point I had been in the hospital, on modified bedrest for 89 days. This was it, either we would have a baby that would be able to breath or not.
At 8:45pm, April 26th, 2007, Our baby girl, Brooke Leighanna was born crying. She could breath and breath on her own. It was a miracle. Her apgars were 8/8 and she only reguired oxygen via a nasal cannula. She was 5lbs 7ozs and 16.8 inches long. She was squished from not having much fluid around her for almost 13 weeks.
She stayed in the special care nursery for 12 days. She only has minor "preemie" issues. She dose'nt have the whole suck, swallow, breath thing down yet, but she is perfect. No major issues.
She is home now, She is on a little bit of oxygen, but the doctor thinks she will be off by the time she is full term gestationally.
Miracles do happen. Stay positive and do not give up hope no matter what the doctors tell you. I will not lie, I was in the hospital for 93 days total and it was horrible at times, but in the end it was so worth it.