By Shalonda Trent, Fredericksburg, VA USAAfter having the wedding of my dreams in June 2006; my husband and I hoped for a honeymoon baby. Close enough I conceived in July.
PROM at 19 weeks + 3 days. Delivery at 20 weeks + 5 days.
Story added: 2006-11-25
I was put on bed-rest Nov 3rd @ 18 wks 5 days due to an incompetent cervix (wanted the cerclage, but my doc wanted to wait to see if my cervix changed.) On Nov 8th I was 19 wks 3 days pregnant when my husband & I went to the ER after my water broke while sleeping that night. I was also told by the ER doc that hey'll probably send me home. Some how, by the grace of God the doc upstairs in Labor/Delivery said no &
advised him to send me upstairs. I soon learned from the nurse that I could get an infection. It bothered
my husband & I so much that the ER was willing to send me home despite this RISK of infection. Many of the doctors were negative & honest that I would go into pre-term labor
and my baby wouldn't make it. They suggested I opt to term the pregnancy by being induced; we said no adamently after hearing her strong heartbeat. She held on for 9 days... My cord prolapsed on Thursday Nov 16th so they induced me & Angelica Michelle Trent was silently born on Nov 17th 2006.
I cry everyday, but have comfort knowing my daughter is in heaven.
Blessings to all of you!