By Denise, Pennsylvania USAJust before my daughter turned 8 months old, I conceived a second. Since I was still breastfeeding, getting back to a fulltime job, and taking care of our baby, it was an exhausting preganancy. At 22 weeks, with no warning, my water broke. I had visited my doctor a few days prior with what I thought was a yeast infection. She diagnosed by sight, now I realize it could have been misdiagnosed an actually caused PROM. When I was given the bleak news, I was in denial that the baby would not survive. It is difficult to be pregnant one minute then told to induce labor the second. Psycholigically, I could not induce labor. I delivered our second daughter within 24 hours. Although she did not survive labor, we held and kissed her, told her how much we loved her and said good-bye. I am pregant again and scared. The doctors don't know what caused my PROM and the loss of our baby girl. I feel powerless to avoid it again since I don't know what caused it.
PROM at 22 weeksDelivery at 22 weeks + 1 days.
Story added: 2006-10-10