The PPROM Page
© 1998-2025 Inkan

Janet's PROM Story

By Janet Harding, Queensbury NY U>S
PROM at 16 weeks + 2 days. Delivery at 23 weeks + 1 days.
Story added: 2006-07-28
It was January 23- My boyfriend and I had been at a friend's house for the evening. All of a sudden i started feeling hott- then I fainted. My boyfriend bought me outside for air- and tried to convince me to go to the hospital- but Im stubborn, so i did not go that night. The next day i went to the doctors to see what was going on with my body. They did a bunch of tests- and came to the conclusion, I was 6 weeks pregnant. I was so excited and so nervous. It felt unreal until 1 month later when we had our first ultrasound. He was so tiny- And it was the first time we saw him "wiggle". My boyfriend was laughing and i started crying. Everything seemed normal- i was relaxing and taking my prenatal. Then around March 9th(2006) i started bleeding- I went to the doctors, and then to the hospital. They weren't sure why i was bleeding. They did an ultrasound and he was fine- heartbeat strong(147) and he was moving around. I was put out of work then and put on bedrest.

Everything seemed fine for another month, it was April 7th(my birthday) and i started bleeding heavy again! I went to the hospital- and they did an ultrasound and a swab and sent me home with a normal ultrasound. The next day i went to the grocery store, and i started to feel a wetness, when i got home there was blood everywhere! I was a wreck. I went back to the hospital and was put in over night for observation. I was passing pretty large clots- which was very scary. They told me i had "Placenta previa". I was put on bedrest. April 13th i remember feeling a gush of water in the middle of the night- i had no idea what it was.
April 19th I went to the doctors for an ultrasound- to see the sex- and they couldn't see the sex- and we could barely see him. I had no fluid around him. I went home on bedrest- Not knowing anything about "prom"- not knowing what the outcome would of been.
April 28th i went to Albany Medical Center, about 45 minutes awy from where i live. They told me about what had happened, and told me his umbellica cord was coming unattached. And i had started showing signs of infection. They schedueled my labor to be induced May 2 2006- @ 1 o'clock. It was the worst tuesday of my life. George William- the little boy i had wanted soo bad was born that day @ 2:30. I didn't get a chance to see him, i was on too many drugs and way too depressed. The funeral was the next week. The friday before Mother's Day. It was horrible. I have such a hole from my little man leaving. I miss him so much- and would do anything just to spend my days with him here- or still in my belly. My first due date was September 25, but then they said he was 2 weeks ahead.

The Pain from losing my little boy- will never go away. Even if/when i have more children, there will always be a little hole in my heart where he should be. I'm accepting the fact more- The nights are better, its just waking up and realizing he isn't here that's hard. He knows his mommy and daddy love him and would do anything to have him here- give anything. Its been almost 3 months since he's been gone. And it seems like people are forgetting, and avoiding me- It drives me crazy. But... what am i gonna do? No one knows my little George the way his mami did!

I just wanted to let whoever started this page know- You really have helped, i'd don't know where i'd be if i couldn't talk to all the ladies. They are the only ones who know what im going through, what many of us are going through, unfortunately. And i pray for us all!