By Staci Bartle, Santa Cruz, CA USOur story starts 13yrs ago.... Many attempts, never conceiving. Infertility issues due to obesity and severe APA (that's an immune system disorder and imbalance in your red/white blood cells. Makes your body hostile and destroys everything). Years of multiple treatments. Then on 9/12/03 had weight loss surgery and lost 200lbs over the course of 2 years. APA was completely gone!!! Was a TOTAL miracle. On 9/12/05 We were told we could conceive on our own!!! Then on, 10/31/05 we got pregnant. Ended at 3wks due to Blithed Ovum. We didn't even have a minute to mourn our baby. We were so shocked it really happened. Then without another period, pregnant again for the second time, 12/12/05. First due date was 9/12/06 (would have been 3 years to the date of my weight loss surgery). Due date moved up to 9/5/06. But one day shy of sex test at 19wks, ended on 4/9/06 due to PROM.
PROM at 18 weeks + 6 days. Delivery at 19 weeks.
Story added: 2006-07-25
Pregnancy was such a miracle and so hard to believe we had actually gotten pregnant on our own! No morning sickness, nothing but a little spotting between 8-12wks. Always stopped on it's on. Then at 14 weeks, started having "round ligament pain". By 17wks, felt pains that were ‘different’ but each exam showed closed cervix so we didn't panic, no reason to. At 18wks, caught cold and developed a bladder infection. Had NEVER had a bladder infection before. Was on antibiotics for 5 days. Was so worried about the cold and fever affecting the baby we listened for the heartbeat everyday....Then on Friday night April 7th, had a romantic evening with my hubby. Had sex (will never be able to accept this wasn't our fault somehow) and at 3am got up to pee. As I sat there I felt a HUGE gush of water. Having NEVER had a bladder infection before, I thought it was my urethra (sp?) opening up due to the antibiotics ‘having done their job’. Got back in bed and kept feeling wet. STILL didn't think this was my water breaking. FEEL SO STUPID, how did I NOT KNOW THAT?
Anyway, by 7am, starting to have light spotting so I went back to my routine of ‘feet-up and resting’. But at 2pm I coughed and passed a huge clot. THEN I panicked and paged my OBGYN. We aren't in the same town so after hearing the story, he prepared me for what had actually happened to me at 3am and sent us to our local ER. Upon arriving, I thought I passed what was my baby in the bathroom. THAT WAS THE MOST AWFUL MOMENT of this whole story. We found out 3 hours later, that WASN'T our baby. I was dilated 1cm.
3 more hours later, we had an advanced ultrasound and found my OB was right, and we had lost ALL of our fluid. We were told we'd have to deliver our baby and it would not survive. Would probably die overnight. Saturday night they induced my labor with an anal medication. This didn't work. Sunday morning, we had another ultrasound and baby was in birth canal and still alive. They induced me 2 more times via potossim and inserted a folly catheter. I just wasn't dilating on my own. By 12:30pm I was finally having contractions. At 12:50pm our baby boy was born in my hands. Robert Benjamin Bartle "Robbie"
7.2oz and 9"long. We were told he would live about 10 minutes. He lived 110 minutes. A little less than 2 hours is all we had with our precious son. Family was with us. Everyone held him. He responded to touch but couldn't see yet. He had my feet and nose, my husbands hands and mouth. Robbie squeezed the tip of my pinky at 2:38pm. His heart stopped at 2:40pm.
We've come to learn I still have a weakened immune system due to the previous APA and being a weight loss patient. I also have a weak cervix and OB has advised, next time (IF WE CAN EVEN GET THERE) they will do a cerclage and I'll probably have lots of bed rest. I JUST CAN'T IMAGINE having the courage to try again. Robbie was so wanted and loved and we are just trying to get through the grief of each day.
We have a beautiful website that tells his story and that of my parents'. Very similar story 36years ago. You can read about it in "Nana's letter" on our site. If anyone wants to see pictures of Robbie (WARNING, PREMIE 19WKS, ALIVE in EVERY PICTURE, BUT HARD TO SEE) please visit our website at
We've come to believe the miracle our son was, having LIVED for so long. Yet, I don't know how to move on from this pain and fear.
Having read some of your postings, I'm in awe at the courage and love so many of you have. Blessings to all of you who tried and kept trying. I hope to have your courage one day.
Thank you for listening to my story.