By Anne, Asheville NC USI was 38 at the beginning of this pregnancy, my third. I had all the prenatal blood tests used for screening of genetic disorders. Most of these tests came back abnormal and I was advised to get an amnio. Against my better judgement I went ahead and had an amnio...afterall risk of miscarriage/complications from amnios is so small right?? WRONG!!!
PROM at 17 weeks + 2 days. Delivery at 28 weeks + 3 days.
Story added: 2006-01-31
I started leaking about 6 hrs after my amnio. I went to pick up my 2 yr old son and I ruptured. We went to the emergency room of a nearby hospital and after taking the pH test we were told that I was not amniotic fluid present. Next day I leaked again. I went to the Drs and the obgyn who had performed my amnio agreed that i had lost most of my amniotic fluid after doing an U/S. She told me to go home on bedrest and keep my fingers crossed that the fluid would reaccumulate. Well, it didn't and I started bleeding. I was admitted to hospital at about 17.5 weeks where I was told after 3 days that probably termination would be the best choice as I did not seem to be resealing and the fluid level was getting lower and lower. I was told I couldn't stay in the hospital because they needed the bed for others and there was nothing they could do for me.
I went home and stayed on bedrest for about 6 weeks. During this time I resealed AND reaccumulated some fluid! However, the bleeding never quite stopped. At 24 weeks I was admitted to hospital where I ended up having a complete abruption and my daughter came into this world on Dec 16 2005 at 28 weeks. The neonatologists said that her dates were wrong and that she appeared to be closer to 26 weeks as her eyes were still fused. She weighed 1lb 11oz (750g) and was 12.5 in long. I remember lying there in the operating room asking the Drs if she was alive. No one answered. She was in critical condition when she was admitted to the NICU.
My daughter has so far defied all the odds. She's in the NICU but is requiring no 02 and so far she has been spared most of the preterm complications associated w/micro preemies.
I just want to say to anyone reading this...PLEASE don't terminate (if this is not your choice). The Drs don't really know enough about this condition to know the outcome for every mother that experiences PROM. Yes, many don't make it despite valiant efforts BUT many babies DO survive and defy the odds.
Please have faith that YOUR baby will make strong for both of you!!!