The PPROM Page
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Kelly's PROM Story

By Kelly, Illinois USA
PROM at 19 weeksDelivery at 31 weeks + 2 days.
Story added: 2006-01-05
I hope that this will help provide some hope to those going through PROM pregnancies. I know that when I was going through it, I lost hope on several occasions. Reading others' stories helped me regain my hope that our child would survive. Miracles DO happen. My little miracle is asleep in my husband's arms at this very moment. Our little boy that wasn't supposed to survive to viability is alive and well. There is hope. This is Jack's story:

After multiple first trimester miscarriages, we found ourselves expecting again. We decided not to share our news with others unless we made it through the first trimester. Well, the first trimester was a little rocky with some spotting here and there, but we made it through and decided to tell our friends and family. We thought we were home free!

Then, on Father's Day, at 19 weeks gestation, I felt a small gush of fluid after gagging on something. I thought I was becoming incontinent. It was a Sunday, and because I thought it was urine, I didn't worry too much and decided to call the doctor the next day. When I called on Monday, I was told to go directly to the hospital.

Tests were done ("fern" test and others) as well as an ultrasound. There was still ample fluid around the baby and the tests on the leaking fluid indicated that it was not amniotic fluid. I was told it was probably as I had suspected - incontinence. So I was sent home and resumed my normal activities which included caring for a very active two year old.

One week later, my husband and I went in for my 20 week ultrasound. I remember that we were very excited because we wanted to find out the sex of the baby. During the ultrasound, the US tech told us that she couldn't see well enough to know the sex of the baby and got very quiet and left the room. We were taken to an exam room where the doctor met with us and told us that there was absolutely no amniotic fluid around the baby. Having never heard of PROM before, I asked, "Well, how do you fix it?" I was told that there wasn't a fix and that I should go to the hospital right away.

Upon arrival at the hospital, I was examined and tests were run to determine if I was leaking amniotic fluid. I was. I was then told that the baby would probably not make it to viability. If he or she did, the chances of the lungs being developed enough to survive outside the womb are very small. I was also given the other scary statistics of birth defects and other problems should the baby survive. We were devestated. I was advised to think about my "other" options (Meaning: termination). I spent the night in the hospital in shock, not sleeping and crying a lot.

I was discharged the next day and put on bedrest to wait it out at home. I was told that if the baby made it to viability, I would be admitted to the hospital for the remainder of my pregnancy. But, I was cautioned that it was unlikely that this baby would make it to viability.

Well, Jack surprised them all by making it to viability! I was admitted to the hospital and put on a fetal heart monitor 24/7. Weekly ultrasounds revealed that there was still very little amniotic fluid (AFI = 0 to 4) and they could never make out the sex of the baby. I was moved into a room close to the OR because everyone was convinced that this would be an emergency delivery and I needed to be as close as possible to cut down on time spent in transit to the OR. There were a few tense moments during my six weeks in the hospital when Jack's heart rate decelerated and they were ready to take me in for a C-Section, but he always rebounded.

As I got farther along, a plan was made to take Jack at 32 weeks gestation. He kept rolling on the cord and it was feared that he would crush it if he was allowed to get much bigger than that.

However, Jack had other plans. On the morning of September 13, at 31 +2 weeks gestation, I started having contractions. Not the intermittant weak ones I had been having for weeks, but strong steady ones. After a few hours, the decision was made that this would be Jack's birthday! My husband and I were terrified as they wheeled me into the OR. I kept saying that if he can cry, everything else will work itself out. I was praying so hard that we would hear him cry.

It went by so fast. Before I knew it, I heard the doctor say, "He looks like a boy to me!" We waited for what seemed like an eternity, although it was only a few seconds and we heard three loud cries in succession. He COULD cry! My husband and I both started to cry. The NICU staff immediately started to work on him. I was told that he was not as bad off as they had expected him to be. He was brought to my side for a few moments before they whisked him off to the NICU to work on him.

Jack spent 50 days in the NICU. He was on a ventilator only for a few days and came home on oxygen. He had a double hernia and a perforated colon. He requires splints on his feet because they pull up a little. However, all these things have been or will be corrected. We expect that he will be off oxygen by spring - a total of 7 months on oxygen.

He has shown no lasting, permanent damage from the PROM. All the doom and gloom scenarios just didn't happen with him. I know that there are many precious children lost due to PROM. However, it is not an automatic death sentence. If you are going through a PROM pregnancy, please don't lose hope. Allow yourself to be cautiously optimistic. Yes, there could be a loss, but there could be a LIFE! I regret that I didn't keep my hopes up higher and enjoy being pregnant with Jack. I can't ever get that back. It's time lost that I could have bonded with him and loved him when I just couldn't allow myself to do so.

Please don't lose your hope. Be prepared for the worst, but HOPE for the best. Our little miracle is proof that it can happen!
This is an update to my story posted on 1/5/06:

Jack is now completely off oxygen and no longer needs splints on his legs. His ostomy will be reversed next month and all is well! He is growing very well and is average size for his age.