The PPROM Page
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Deborah's PROM Story

By Deborah Nelson, Las Vegas, NV USA
PROM at 22 weeksDelivery at 35 weeks.
Story added: 1997-03-15

Shane Nelson 1 day old

Shane Nelson 1 day old. 6 lbs 7 oz ( 2920 grams ), 19 in long. In NICU Las Vegas NV on CPAP

This is the story of my 3rd pregnancy. My name is Deborah, my husband's name is Doug. I discovered after April 1, 1996 that I was pregnant. I was working full-time and thought "oh great", how am I going to handle a 3rd child? I was to learn the answer only after a very difficult pregnancy. My other 2 children were perfect pregnancies and perfect childbirths. This one was different from day 1.

First, I was sick 24 hours a day. I had trouble eating, taking vitamins, anything. We live in Las Vegas, Nevada where it is hot and dry. During the summer, in my fourth month, I got dehydrated and couldn't even keep down Gatorade! I was given fluids and got better. I had a feeling from the beginning this was a boy since it was so different from my other 2 pregnancies (girls). I tried to take care of myself, but it was hard since I was working. Then, I lost my job when I was four months pregnant. This turned out to be a blessing in the end.

In my fifth month of pregnancy (20 weeks), I took the standard AFP blood test to test for abnormalities. The results came back "high". I was sent to a specialist to do a Level III ultrasound where they check everything. I was a little scared. I found out it was a boy. The specialist came in and explained something was wrong. He said my bag of water was low, probably leaking. I hadn't even noticed any water leaking. He said the bag of water was loose around the baby, and could break any time. He told me I couldn't do any more activity, and no sex at all. He scheduled me for another ultrasound in 1 month.

I listened and did as I was told, but with my other 2 children, I couldn't stop everything. I still shopped and ran errands. I rested during the day. Everything was fine for 2 more weeks. At 22 weeks though, I was sleeping, and woke up with water gushing out. I knew it was my water breaking. I knew how bad this was. I woke my husband and went to the hospital with our 2 children. The doctors checked me, did an ultrasound, and gave us the bad news. They said 22 weeks is too young to survive.

There was nothing they could do. They offered to terminate the pregnancy then. They said if we chose to go on, that the baby faced growth problems without water around, and a high risk for breathing and lung problems. I learned the baby drinks, swallows and pees the fluid. The fluid helps put pressure on the chest and lungs so the baby can practice "breathing" in the womb. They told us even if I made it to full term, the baby still would NOT be normal. I was also at risk: for infection, premature labor, placenta problems, and bleeding. We began to plan what we would do if we lost this baby. We also began researching information because we felt sure we would have preemie.

The doctors sent me home since there wasn't much chance for the baby. I prayed and talked and cried. I realized how much we wanted this little boy. I asked myself these questions, "Is the baby really in trouble now?" "Is it fair to make the decision to end his life now?" "What decision can we be comfortable with?" and "If this had appened before there was such a thing as termination, what option would I have?" I knew the only answer I could live with was to continue the pregnancy and leave this baby in God's hands. I knew I could handle the risks, but didn't know if the baby could. Still, I would feel better because a small chance is better than no chance at all.

I saw the specialists at the local University Medical Center in Las Vegas. They are 2 perinatologists who are very excellent doctors. I went twice a week for ultrasounds, heart monitoring, and steroid shots. I felt surely I would go into labor before 30 weeks. If I could make it to 28 weeks, I would feel better.

The baby was growing and I was on total bedrest at home. The doctors trusted me because I was so reliable and asked them a million questions. The thing with PROM (premature rupture of membranes) is the baby generates more fluid, but with the bag of water broken, I continued to leak constantly. As long as the baby made more fluid than I leaked, I was ok. My water even began to re-generate! After it broke, it was 3cm. (Normal fluid is 10-20cm). Over the next 8 weeks, it went from 5cm, to 7cm, then 10cm. My 28th week came in mid-October. I then found out, my water had re-generated to 24 cm!!!! This was the good news I had waited to hear. My doctor finally smiled, and said, he could almost treat this as a "normal" pregnancy again! I knew there was hope!

I tried not to live by this good news, I always took this pregnancy day by day. I knew the water wouldn't last at that level. My 30th week came at halloween. That weekend, I woke up at night with another gush of fluid. I went to the hospital for my 2nd admission. They monifored the baby for 24 hours. There was nothing abnormal. The baby was still growing and doing fine. The doctors were amazed I had gotten so far. Most mothers with PROM (premature rupture of membranes) don't make it that far along. I was sent home on bedrest again.

At 32 weeks, I began to bleed along with the fluid leaking. I knew it was time to go to the hospital for good. I was admitted on November 12, 1996. I stayed in the hospital for 3 more weeks. It was very uneventful. It felt like a prison; I only saw my family and kids 2-3 times a week. I was still healthy and so was the baby. The doctors were now being more positive. They said they would try to make it to 34 weeks and do an amniostentesis to check lung maturity. If mature, they would induce labor. If not, then I would wait until 36 weeks and they would induce labor then. I went day by day, that's all I could do. I continued to bleed in the hospital. The doctors said I must have a tear in my placenta, causing a little bleeding. As long as the baby was healthy, they would go on.

Week 34 came. I took the amniostentesis and the results came back. The lungs were not mature enough for delivery. I was beginning to get worn out and knew it wouldn't be much longer.

At week 35, the bleeding got heavier and heavier. On Dec 6, the day he was born, I had a worried feeling about the baby. I had not felt movement 10 times in an hour like he was supposed to. I kept asking the nurses to check the monitor and ask the doctor to do an ultrasound. The doctor stopped by just before he was leaving the hospital and saw the baby's heartrate was dropping on the monitor. The doctor immediately said he would do a C-section. At last the time had come!

Ten minutes later, I was strapped to the table. The doctors gave me a spinal injection to numb me from my stomach down. They began the operation, and my husband arrived just as they were about to take the baby out. I was awake the whole time. It was the weirdest experiences of my life, yet I had a peaceful feeling that everything would be ok. I wasn't worried about the baby.

It turned out I had a placental abrubtion, the placenta had separated from my uterus, due to lack of fluid. This caused the bleeding, which came from the baby's umbilical cord. The baby lost blood and oxygen very quickly. It is a good thing the doctor acted so quickly, because the baby could have died.

He came out a little blue. The doctors began to ressucitate him and gave him oxygen. He went to the NICU (my hospital had a level 3 NICU--the best). They put him on the Ventilator to help him breathe. He wasn't in too great of shape to begin with. But he had made it! I didn't see him for the first 24 hours. I got out of bed the next day--very painful-- and went to see him. He had a lot of tubes, but he was breathing!

We named him Shane Riley Nelson. Shane is Irish, and means "God's Gracious Gift." He stayed in the NICU for 2 weeks. He went from the ventilator, to the CPAP and then nasal oxygen in 3 days! He did very well. In 5 days, he was breathing on his own!

He came home on December 15, 1996. Our lives are very full with 3 children, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Shane is truly a blessing in our lives.

Shane Nelson 3 months old

Shane Nelson 3 months old

Deborah Nelson