The PPROM Page
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Toni's PROM Story

By Toni, West Haven, UT USA
PROM at 17 weeks + 2 days. Delivery at 19 weeks + 6 days.
Story added: 2005-08-09
My name is Toni and my DH is Justin. We were married in June of 2000 and after about 10 months of marrage desided to start our family.
Well after 15 months of TTCing on our own I called an OB and set up an
apointment to find out just what the crap was wrong with me.
Come to find out I have PCOS, and put on 2000mg of Met aday. I was started on Clomid and we did 6 rounds of clomid and IUI's, all resulted in AF showing up at 28 days. At this point I was put on prozac, I was in really bad shape emotionaly.
I found out that our insureance covered IVF so we skiped injectables and went right for IVF in the spring of 2003. On Mothers day of that yr we found out that with our first round of IVF we were pg.. That could not have been a better gift then gold.
4 weeks later we found out that we were having twins. I was floored and Justin was running circles around me he was so happy. It took me about a day to let it sink in that I was going to be casing twins for the rest of my life and I couldnt wait. I was ready for them.
At 13 wks my nightmare begain. I had brown spoting and was placed on bed rest because my cervix we shorting, until "my" OB was back in town. I was seen by one of his partners.
My OB couldnt really tell that my cervix was getting short so he sent me back to work with weekly check ups to keep an eye on my cervix. At 15 wks I had funneled and was taken in on July 23, 2003 and given a McDonald Cerclage.
At 17 wks my water broke and I went to the ER because I couldnt get a hold of my Dr. He finally got the message (and by the way fired his answering servies because of their screw up) and told me to leave the hospital and come see him
first thing in the morning for an U/S. (His U/S mechians are better then the hospitals).
Our baby "A" (a boy) had not water, and he had not heartbeat.. We lost
our Jakob. Our OB but me on Med's for any infection that I might have and sent me home. I just knew there
was not hope. ANd I couldnt stand the thought that my little girl (baby B) was all along now.
I tried to keep my spirits up, but on Aug 17 I wasnt feeling so hot. I just took it really really easy and tried not to do to much. THat night I started in with the worst pain I had ever know up to that point in my life. I went into labor.
We called my OB and at 5 the mornign of the 18 we went to his office for an U/S.
On the way there my water broke on Jeneh. I knew I was dieing at that point. When we got to his office he could not find them in the utrise and sent me to the hospital.
When we pulled up to the ER doors, I steped out of the truck and Jakob ripped throw my cerclage. But didnt fall out. I tried telling the intern but he just told me to sit down and he was taking me to L&D.
Jusitn parked the truck and went in the hospital throw the ER too. He looked at the secrutiy gaurd and he just pointed to the trail of blood I had left on the floor and said that's your wifes, if you follow that you'll find her.
When I got into the room the nurses were like get undressed. I tryied telling them that I had delivered a baby and they just told me to get undressed. I took off my shorts and Jakob fell into my hands. They all flipped at that point.
When Justin got into the room they were cutting Jakob's cord and trying to get an IV in me. Jeneh was born 15 minuts latter alive. She lived for a little bit and passed away. THere was not a nurse in the room when she came into the world.
I wanted to die at that time. But we had a plan of a cerclage placed at 11 wks with our next pg..
We went back and did IVF in Nov of 2003. Found out that we were pg on New Years Day 2004. But I had a large cyst that was being watched and in Feb it burst at 13 wks witch caused also PROM and we lost another son, Andin, at 14 wks on Feb 17.
I was pissed off at the world and if you ever wanted to see a PISSED OFF woman I was it.
Well I was known for having long cycles so when AF hadnt shown the end of April I called my OB and they said that its normal for AF to take up to 3 months to show. A week after I called them I started putting 2 and 2 together and figured
out I was pg.. And I was. 10 weeks along to be exact.
I had my McDonald placed at 11 wks, and Dr apptmnt anytime I wanted. Everything was going soo great. But at 20.5wks I went to the bathroom at work and realized that I had just lost my plug.. I called my OB and the nurse told me to get in
there as fast as I could. I drove myself to his office 45 minutes away and met my DH there. I had hour glass membrains.
I was placed in the hospital in tremdelembug on July 20(one yr ago today) to see if the membrains would go back inside. Well the next day when they took me in to
RE-place the cerclage the sac had moved back up. They replaced the cerclage with NOT one but THREE cerclage stiches.
At this hospital there WAS a peri that thought he was "God" also and
wanted to be in on the replacment surgery, but had to go out of town.
My OB told me that I wasnt going home and I was there till I deliverd. I was fine with that.
On the 28th of July my OB did his rounds and told me that this Peri was going to come and do an U/S to see how everything was going and see if we could find out the sex of our baby. Up until then we didnt know, the baby wouldnt
I found out later that this U/S was only to be a abdonmial one. BUt when he came in he did not only a Vag U/S but stuck speculems up me to see the
"Stiches" and then put his finger up to "Feel" them also..
This put me into labor. WE battled labor for about 5 days. But on Aug 3, 2004 my body could stand no more and I stared hemreging. So we were told that Lynli (we found out we were having another DD) was coming and we could have NICU do what
they could to save her. BUT at 23 wks we knew that her quality of life would be nothing for the rest of her life. So we made the desicion as parents to hold out Daughter as she took her fist and last breaths of life.
SO at 2:46 that afternoon Lynli Rae was born. She lived for a short while and passed away in her Daddy's arms.
I have done to much research into IC now and now know that my cervix is to short to have ever had a vag cerclage, I wll have the TAC around 11 wks with my next pg.
We have been blessed with two angels sense lossing Lynli. But both have ended in M/C at 7&8 wks.
We are currently TTCing and hopely will be able to have that miracle to bring home.