By Jeanette Wallace, Trumbull, CT USAHi everyone,
PROM at 21 weeksDelivery at 34 weeks + 4 days.
Story added: 2005-07-27
I was 34yrs old and having my 3rd baby. The first two were totally normal pregnancy, other than some mild hypertension where they induced me at 37wks and I delivered almost 10pounders. So when I got pregnant for the 3rd time, I never anticipated anything other than the same.
All the problems began right from the beginning. I had constant bleeding that wouldn't stop. The doctors believed the baby had hit a big blood vessel when it implanted. They told me 90pct I would probably miscarry before wk 12. I continued to bleed, but the baby was developing at a normal rate. Once the placenta had formed they saw bleeding behind that and told me again that If it doesn't heal It would probably result in placenta abruption. Again, my plancenta healed and the bleeding finally began to stop, after becoming borderline anemic. I was told to take it easy and just go on with my life. I reached the 12wk mark but still they told me I had a 50/50 chance of this to go well. I was told that all the bleeding had left large bloodclots in my uterous which could cause the lining of the amniotic sac to rupture. That is was happened. So at 21wks the worst happened, my water broke. I was taking to the hospital for the official confirmation. My AFI levels were maybe a 2 or 3. I was sent home after having taken intravenus antibiotics, to help prevent infection. I stayed on strict bedrest praying and hoping I would not get an infection, not go into labor, and making it back to the hospital at 24wks. I made it back to the hospital at 24wks and they gave me my first round of steriod shots to help the babies lungs develope. I was strictly monitored at this point around te clock for infections and scanned every few days to check the fluids. This is when my miracle happened. I stopped leaking and they scanned me and my fluids had gone back to an AFI level of 13!! My amniotic sac had sealed over and they sent me home as there was no reason for me to stay in the hospital now. I felt God had given me a second chance and I was not going to take any chances. So for the next 13wks I stayed in bed, with trips to the shower and bathroom only. Once I made it to 31wks I decided it was time to get up and on my feet. At 33wks my water reruptured, and I went back to the hospital. Again I was given antibiotics and another round of steroid shots. They then induced me at at 34wks and 4days, not wanting to take any chances of infections. They felt the baby would do better now outside the womb then inside. She was born March 28th 2005 and was a big 5pounds 11oz! She scored a 9.9 on the APCAR test. She needed no help breathing and was in the NICU for observation only. I got to take her home 4days after she was born. We named her Diane as it means fighter/hunter, and that she was!! I hope this story will encourage others to never give up hope. I read so many of these stories while I was on bedrest and cried. I'm so happy I can share my story now and mine gives HOPE. I'll be happy to help others with any questions they may have, so please email me.