The PPROM Page
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Gina's Post PROM Story

By Gina, Los Angeles, CA USA
PROM at 21 weeks + 3 days. Delivery at 29 weeks + 2 days.
Story added: 2005-06-18
On 7/13/1999 26 weeks- we didn't know I had this problem (C-section). My water broke on 7/11/1999 and I was kept in the hospital until I began to get a fever. I was delivered and got septics, and the baby too. The baby died after 12 hours, and I had to go to ICU for 2 weeks.

On 12/28/2002 23 weeks - Failed Vag cercelge. Terminated preg Vag delivery.

On 9/19/2004 20 weeks - Failed Vag cercelge (Infection of the placenta) Terminated preg Vag delivery.

On 5/27/2005 29 weeks -2 failed Vag cercelges (C-section) - My doctor did the first cerclege at 12 weeks. At 20 weeks I went into the hospital because I started to spot. He said that my membranes where starting to come down, and that he needed to do a second cerclege. Two days after he did this cerclege my water broke at 21 weeks. I was given the option to try and continue the preg, or to terminate. I decided to continue and they checked me daily for infections. I showed now sign of infection. My fluid level went to 6 and then at 28 weeks it went to 7. I started having contractions at 29 weeks was dilated. He decided to deliver. After the baby was born, the baby only survived for 2 hours. It was said that he didn't have enough fluid and his lungs were not developed enough.

I have one baby that was born on 7/21/2000 (C-section), which I delivered at 34 weeks with a Vag cercelge. I went into the hospital thinking I was having contractions, but I needed to have an appendectomy . My water broke before I was going to have this baby, so that is why they delivered me at 34 weeks. My baby did fine. He only stayed in the NICU for 2 weeks.

My doctor told me that I should really try this again, and the next time he will put 2 stitches in at 12 weeks. This last time he said that he didn't close the stitch up all the way, so some drainage could come out. So that is probably why the stitch didn't hold up at 20 weeks. Do you think that 2 stitches will help me other than just putting one stitch in place? Also I am wondering maybe he didn’t close up the stitch up all the way because I got preg to soon after my loss on 9/19/2004 on 8 weeks later I became preg.
