The PPROM Page
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Gina's PROM Story

By Gina, Baltimore, Maryland USA
PROM at 17 weeksDelivery at 17 weeks + 1 days.
Story added: 2005-03-02
I hope this story helps someone out there.
This was my first pregnancy, I was 38 years old. Everything was going perfectly. NO morning sickness, no problems at all except for some back pain, but, I stand all day at work so, I just assumed that was causing my back ache. At my checkup, I was concerned about some little pains I was having in my lower abdomen, I was quickly assured that those were just round ligament pains and nothing to worry about. I thought it was a bit early to have those but, since I'd never been pregnant before I just believed what I was told.
On June 8, 2004 I was at work when I felt the first pain. I remember thinking what the .... was that? But, it stopped. I figured it was just the baby moving around, on our sonogram she was doing a whole lot of moving around and now she was bigger so I smiled and went on about my day. I had that same funny little pain a few more times that day. It was uncomfortable but, not painful enough to cause alarm and there was no pattern, just random pains. Honestly, I thought it was bad gas pain.
That night, my back really hurt a lot. I asked my DH to give me a backrub. I could still sort of lay on my stomach, so as I tried to roll over, my back hurt so bad I could barely roll. I did lie on my tummy/side and he started to massage my back, then I felt something wet. I laid perfectly still for a moment, I remember saying "what was that". I jumped up and went to the bathroom, thinking I was bleeding. When I looked, there was no blood. I was so relieved. There was nothing coming out. I got back in bed and told my husband what was happening. As I lie perfectly still in bed my mind was racing, thinking God please let everything be OK. I finally dozed off, I rolled over to my side and I felt something again. I jumped up grabbed the cordless phone and ran to the bathroom. When I called, the Nurse practioner who was on call tried to tell me that it was just discharge. At this point it was running down the insides of my thighs. I insisted that it was more than that,and she told me to go ahead to the hospital to be "checked out". When I got to the hospital, I was given a sonogram. My baby was very much alive, in fact it was in there doing what looked like sit-ups. We laughed so hard. It's little heart was just beating away. Then, I was examined and give the grim news that I was definetly ruptured and that there was nothing they could do. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The nurses stood around me looking sad and shaking their heads. Then they left my husband and I in a room alone. He didn't get anything they said. So, here I was trying to process what I had just been told. Then, I had to explain it all to him. He just acted like they didn't know what they were talking about. I found myself angry with him for being so dense. Now I guess that was just his way of dealing with the bad news. He kept telling me to just wait for the Dr. That she would know what to do. The Dr. wasn't coming untill the next morning. I wanted to just scream at him, because we were being asked to make decisons about being induced, about seeing the baby, the baby's remains, naming the baby, having a ceremony etc. I needed him to deal with this realistically. I had to deal with all of this alone, as well as make all the decisons without his input. He kept telling me to wait for the DR. He wouldn't give many input until the Dr. got there and told us what was happening.
Our Dr. didn't bother to get to my room until about noon the next day. (BTW, she no longer my Dr.) She gave us the bad news. Gave us the option to wait for my body to go into labor naturally, or to induce or to just wait it out and see what happens over the next few days. My Mom and I decided it was best to go ahead and induce, since the Dr. told me I had a 100% chance of infection and that could affect my fertility in the future and that my baby had less than a 5% chance of survival. I was induced and my baby was delivered the next morning. Intially we were told that the baby was a boy. The nurse brought our baby in dressed in tiny little clothes and all wrapped up in a tiny little balnket. We named him Nicholas. We had a pastor come in and had a naming ceremony/baptism for our little baby. We had pictures taken I held the baby and just cried, I was so angry with God. This baby was perfect. No one had any answers, there was no infection, nothing to indicate that there was a problem. I was devastated. 5 wks later at my postpartum check-up we got the news that we could try again, and that chromosomally our baby was a perfectly normal little GIRL! OMG! I can't believe it I have named this child a boy's name had momentos engraved and told everyone it was a boy. This may seem small to everyone else, but to us this was major. I felt like I was mouring the loss of another baby. It was a horrible time in my life.
Since then I've been trying to make sese of this whole thing. Still looking for answers. There are none. The Dr. doesn't know why it happened.
