The PPROM Page
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Carol's PROM Story

By Carol Harris, Novato, CA USA
PROM at 21 weeksDelivery at 26 weeks + 4 days.
Story added: 2005-02-10
My story is bittersweet. I was pregnant with twins. My daughter lived and is thriving. My son was not so fortunate and died in my arms after six days. Here is my story.

I had developed a blood clot on Baby A, my son, around week 18. It was slowly being reabsorbed by the placenta, but at week 21, the blood clot punctured my son's membrane. It was a gush and almost all my water was gone. My daughter, Baby B, had her own sack and was not affected.

I was told to go home and decide if I wantd to continue the pregnancy. If I made it to 24 weeks, they would hospitalize me. I was overcome with grief and terribly depressed. Not knowing who or what to believe, I consulted with two other physicians in different hospitals. All provided the same counsel. The chances of my son living was less than 5 percent If I made it to 30 weeks, my daughter had a good chance of normal development.

I stayed with the pregnancy and was hospitalized at 24 weeks. My son never regained his fluids, although he was alive with a good solid heartbeat, and he had curled up in a ball and was taking less space in the womb. My daughter, on the other hand, was growing quickly and making up for her brother's retrenchment.

All seemed to be going well and I was almost to my 27th week when my son got an infection. This threw me into labor. In PROM, the standard of care is not to inhibit labor, since an infection in the womb can cause harm to the fetus and be fatal to the mother.

My son, Aaron, was born weighing 1 lb, 13 ounces. My daughter was born weighing 2 lbs. Aaron was a very sick baby from the beginning. He had a level-4 brain bleed and an infection in his blood. It is very hard to let go of a child. Especially your first born. I was barely a mother, and I was doing the unthinkable, seeing my child die. The only peace I have from that time is knowing my son died in my arms, with his mommy who loved him so very much.

My daughter, Rachel, is doing amazingly well. She did spend 11 weeks in the intensive care nursery. Now, at 13 months, you would never know this girl was a preemie except for her petite size. Rachel is the love of my life and the most beautiful engaging and sweet baby.

I have left alot out of my story. If you want to know the deeper tale between the lines, or need to have hope, or someone to feel the pain of your story, feel free to write. I have been through so very much and I tried to do it with as much grace and humanness that my heart could give. I wish you the same.
