The PPROM Page
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Janis's PROM Story

By Janis Murphy, Knoxville, TN USA
PROM at 22 weeks + 1 days. Delivery at 22 weeks + 5 days.
Story added: 2005-01-16
After 3 early miscarriages, surgery to correct some "possibly" fertility problems I finally became pregnant again in AUG 2004. My husband & I were so happy, though I know I made him a nervous wreck up until I passed my third month. Everything seemed to be going wonderful! The day we were going to register for my baby shower (Sunday) I was getting in the shower and gushed ALOT of "fluid". I called my doctor and he thought maybe I had a bladder infection but to go ahead and come in to the ER to be checked. I could tell there was something wrong by the look on his face as soon as he started to examine me.

I was immediately transferred to a hospital in town where they are better equipped to handle these things. I had lost about all my fluid, was a 2 on the AFI scale.

When I got there we were told so many things my head was spinning. Thank goodness my husband listened to everything they told us and did so much research on PROM I really think he could teach people about it.

I think we were told most of the standard things in a pregnancy this early and losing this much fluid. The goal was to try to keep our little boy in for at least 2 1/2 to 3 more weeks to have at least a chance of survival.

Two days later I started contractions and had another U/S done. We were told, I wasn't in labor but given med's to stop the contractions? Also, noted was my fluid had built up to 3- AFI - need to be at least 5. With all of these tests and ultrasounds our baby’s heartbeat was so strong.

We were so hopeful about trying to make it to our new due date. Unfortunately, things do not always go that way. Twenty six hours later our son "Alec Blaine" was born weighing 12.7 ounces. Alec was the most perfect little person we have ever seen. He lasted about 20 minutes with my husband and I holding and kissing him.

I am sure anyone that has been through this understands what my husband and I are going through now - we are absolutely heartbroken, bitter, and so without answers as to why this happens! I had a beautiful little boy Thursday morning, yet we sit here today (Saturday) with no baby! We have no idea how long it takes to get through something like this, today there seems to be no end of sorrow in sight.

Our hearts go out to anyone that this happens to and hope you can find the strength to get through it or at least make sense from one day to the next. Hopefully you have a wonderful spouse, significant other, friends, and family that will do nothing but listen and be there for you.