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Christine's Post PROM Story

By Christine, Miami, Fl USA
PROM at 19 weeks + 5 days. Delivery at 19 weeks + 5 days.
Story added: 2004-12-07
My husband and I have a 2 year old. We decided to do IVF treatment again as we did with our daughter. I found out we were pregnant with twins in June. The pregnancy was difficult from the beginning. I started to bleed at 8 weeks and continued until 12 weeks. The high risk doctors said it was a blood pocket near Baby A placenta. After my amnio at 17 weeks the blood pocket was gone. They also checked my cervix and everything looked ok. I saw my OB/Gyn @ 1 week after the amnio and again everything was fine. We had a sigh of relief. My amnio came back fine. I had a boy (BabyA) and a girl(BabyB). I was 19 wks 5 dys, I had a cold and cough. I took sudafed as advised from my Dr. I went to sleep with my 2 year old. @ 12:30am woke up feeling like I had to go to the bathroom. Felt like gas pains, but they would come and go. After @ 15 minutes of these, I called the DR. He sent me to the hospital to be checked. Before I made it out the door of my house, Baby A's water bag was about to come out. We rushed to the hopsital and they informed me it was infact the water bag of BabyA and that it was still in tact. The outlook was grim. They finally started me on Mag which made me vomit and I broke BabyA's bag. Now that there were ruptured membranes, the outcome was worse. They informed me that if I tried to save them, I could get an infection which would cause harm to me and my unborn children. Obviously, I have a 2 year old at home and couldn't let anything happen to me. Also I started having contractions and they couldn't get them under control. They recommended to deliver the twins. I wanted to try to save my baby girl(BabyB) atleast since Baby A didn't look like he was going to make it. I asked why this happened and my doctors think it was a combination of things: surgery on my cervix(1987), blood pocket, sickness cold and a premature delivery at 36 wks with my daughter, besides pre- eclampsia. I wondered why I wasn't more closely monitored especially with a twin pregnancy. I am still searching for answers. I have been informed that my incompetant cervix will get a cerclage next time, hopefully that will work, because I cannot handle this again. I delivered my son, Jorge Alexander, on Oct 22, 2004 at 2:50 pm and my daughter followed right behind him at 2:52 pm. They are Angels of God now. I had them cremated and buried. The best thing I ever did was hold them and tell them I was sorry, but that God needed them now and hopefully I will get to meet them at another time.
I told them that we loved them very much and they will always be in our hearts.