The PPROM Page
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Sean's PROM Story

By Sean, Canada
PROM at 14 weeks + 2 days. Delivery at 34 weeks + 5 days.
Story added: 2004-07-17
My wife and I counted ourselves lucky when we found out we were pregnant. Better yet we found out we were expecting twins. We were cautious in our hopes for the first 14 weeks and didn't mention the news to anyone. We were waiting for an ultrasound which was done at 14 weeks to ensure all was ok prior to our sharing the news.
The ultrasound showed twin a was very small but had normal amniotic volume, and twin b was normal size and normal amniotic fluid.

2 days after the ultrasound, my wife's water broke while she was at work. She went into the hospital where the diagnosis was confirmed. Twin a had virtually no amniotic fluid left. We were told that the likely outcome was the onset of labor within 1-2 weeks. We were stunned and went home to collect our thoughts/feelings.

We decide to get a second opinion of our options and saw a perinatologist who said our options included: termination of the entire pregnancy or expectant management with a very uncertain outcome for both babies. We didn't come to any conclusions and decided to research the problem of PPROM in Twin A with regards to the outcome for the whole pregnancy and the outcome for twin B if Twin A should not make it. I was able to find lots of literature which almost universally predicted a dire outcome for the entire pregnancy and the likely outcome was delivery of both babies within 1-2 weeks as we were told. There was the odd case where delivery was delayed for a longer time especially if the PPROM occurred very early in pregnancy. However these cases were few and far between.

In my research I did come across a few papers that discussed the use of selective fetal reduction in 2nd trimester PPROM (our situation). This means that a perinatologist selectively terminates the twin whose membranes have ruptured, The rationale is that that baby is at high risk of lack of lung growth and limb contractures and more importantly to Twin B to have Twin A stop producing urine which becomes the amniotic fluid in its sac. If you stop the fluid, you minimize the risk of infection because amniotic fluid is a good growth medium for bacteria and if you stop the fluid you minimize the risk of preterm labor as it is usually infection which causes the preterm labor. The evidence in these papers was not strong as the numbers were so few, but it seemed to indicate that this procedure affords twin b a good chance to progress for a much longer time.

It was a hard decision, but we weren’t willing to chance having 2 extremely premature babies, especially since TwinA was at much increased risk of pulmonary hypoplasia and severe limb contractures because it was just in the early 2nd trimester. There was also the very real concern that twin A was abnormal, given that it was so small (< 10th percentile). So we discussed with a perinatologist and decided to have the procedure to terminate twinA, which we did at 16wks 3 days. My wife was started on antibiotics when the PPROM first happened and she was put on again after the procedure, because the likely cause of the rupture was infection in the first place.

We went home and prayed that she didn’t go into labor, while she was kept on bedrest. She had a few tightenings but nothing else, thankfully. The pregnancy then proceeded pretty much uneventfully until 29 weeks when an ultrasound picked up some umbilical artery flow problems. She was hospitalized until 32 weeks when things seemed to improve. She was on antepartum home care until 34w4d when she started contracting nonstop. We went into hospital and later that day a c-section was performed for non- reassuring heart tracings and a poor biophysical profile exam. At section a placental abruption was diagnosed, which accounted for the irritable uterus contractions and the unhappy baby. Our son was born at 35w5d and weighed 4lb 4ounces. He had a rocky first 48 hours, as he needed to be on a ventilator for a day and a half, and was on blood pressure support for 2.5 days. He has improved dramatically over the past 4 days and is now breathing on his own and has started feeds and seems to be doing ok on all fronts. I just got home from the hospital and wanted to share our experiences on this website so others in our situation can look up the information themselves if they want.

The journal articles that I found are listed below. Good luck to anyone who is unfortunate enough to experience PPROM and has found this site.


Obstetric outcome after fetal reduction to singleton pregnancies. L. De Catte and W. Foulon. Prenat Diagn 2002: 22: 206-210

Selective Feticide in Twin Pregnancies with Very Early Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes. Luc De Catte et al. American Journal of Perinatology. Volume 15, No. 3, March 1998. 149- 152

Second Trimester Selective Termination of a Twin with Ruptured Membranes: Elimination of Fluid Leakage and Preservation of Pregnancy. Dorfman et al. Fetal Diagn Ther 1995: 10: 186- 188

Selective Termination versus Expectant Management of PPROM of One Sac in Multifetal Gestations. Debbs et al. Am J Obstet Gynecol 180:S96