The PPROM Page
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Sonya's PROM Story

By Sonya, USA
PROM at 22 weeksDelivery at 23 weeks + 5 days.
Story added: 2004-07-14
My husband (Lonny) and I had tried having a baby for five years when we seek'ed out fertility help. We did clomide at first then moved on to six IUI's (artificial insemination), then we moved on to the IVF. The first IVF I miscarried at 6 weeks with twins in May of 2003. We tried IVF again in August of that same year. To our great joy we found out the IVF took and we were expecting twins again. At six week of the pregnancy I start to spot very lightly, so my doctor extended my progesterone. Everything was going smooth and I stopped spotting, and we started to decorate the babies room. At 13 weeks pregnant I woke to blood filled underwear. We rushed to the hospital and they told me I would probably miscarry within 24 hours, and they discharged me and sent us home with miscarry papers. Thankfully I made it threw the night and everything seemed to be better, my OB sent me to a high risk doctor after that. The spotting slowed down and I stopped all together, everything seemed to start to go smooth once again. My new high risk OB said that Baby A's placenta was sitting on my cervix, and he was hoping she would move up as my pregnancy progressed.

We finished the babies room and set both cribs up and had everything ready to go. I know it was a little early, but I just couldn't wait to finish their room. Then again at 16 weeks to our horror I started to spot again. I went to the doctor the next morning and they said everything looked fine, and the doctor said stop worrying so much, and to take it easy.

We found out at 19 weeks that we was expecting a boy and a girl. It was the happiest day of our lives, the doctor said everything looked good. Christmas was just around the corner and we began to shop and bake cookies. Saturday Dec. 27, 2003, I was about to turn 22 weeks, the next day, we had shopped and went out to dinner, when we got home I felt sick and not feeling so good. I went to bed and woke up at 3 am with blood filled underwear once again. This time seemed like more blood then the last times, so we called the on call doctor. He told us to go to the closet hospital and have them evaluate me and to call him. To our disbelief the hospital would not call my high risk doctor because he wasn't on staff at there hospital. I never did have a doctor check me, just the nurse and she talked to a OB of that hospital on the phone. He felt I was ok and discharged us to go home and lay on my left side and drink water.

We did not feel right about this and we headed to the high risk hospital an hour away. Time we got to the other hospital it was 5 am and I was having contractions 1 to 1 1/2 minutes apart and I was dilated to 1 cm. Our baby A was bulging in to my cervix, I was rushed to labor and delivery and put on magnesium. As soon as they got that magnesium in me I through up all over and the pressure made my baby A's sake rupture in a big gush. It was the worse night of my life. Thankfully they did keep the contractions down. I was hospitalized and prayed they would stay in as long as possible, and it was the beginning of a month long hospital stay.

At 23 weeks and 5 days my contractions began to pick up and they could not be stopped. My baby A my girl was coming and we couldn't stop her, I had her and I was only dilated to a 3. January 9, 2004 at 7:48 pm my baby girl came into this world and went to Heaven 11:40pm in her daddy's arms. She weighed 1 pound 3 oz, she was so beautiful and even opened her eyes. Her name was Zoey Rochelle, I gave her my middle name. The meaning of Zoey if Life, and for my baby girl that means eternal life with Jesus.

They slowed the contractions down with tons and tons of magnesium, pitocin, and procardia. They gave me so many fluids I had gotten fluid on my lungs and was very very sick. They kept my baby boy in for 17 more days. It was just another day at the hospital when they came in and did an ultra sound, finding out he was bulging like is sister had done. His leg and cord was in my vagina, and I had dilated one more cm to a 4. So at 26 weeks and 1 days I was rushed into emergency c- section and my baby B my boy came into the world screaming, on January 26, 2004 at 6:46. We named him Levi Lance, he has his daddy's middle name. I found Levi's name in the bible and fell in love with it.

Levi spent 104 days in the NICU at Children's Hospital, and came home on Mother's Day May 9. The best Mothers Day present a mommy could get. We have already discussed doing IVF once more for another baby, but another baby could never replace our beautiful Zoey. Please feel free to email me anytime.