By Gina, USAI hope this is helpfull to someone.
PROM at 16 weeksDelivery at 16 weeks + 1 days.
Story added: 2004-06-17
I was pregnant with #2, under extreme stress with a very active 2 yr old - a husband who really at the time was busy and not very understanding -
The day or two before Christmas, I felt an odd sensation and went to the bathroom, heard a pop and my water broke. I freaked out and yelled for my husband who then called my obgyn. He told me to come to the office - and he opened the office just for us, did a test and confirmed it was the amniotic fluid. I was then sent over to the hospital.
they put my flat on my back - and dosed me up with antibiotics - but about 12 hours later the specialist came in and told us the grim outlook - we waited untill the next morning to make our decision. By then our baby had absolutely no amniotic fluid remaining and was getting crushed with the uterus. We decided the outlook was so bad that we not continue - and I was at high risk of infection. Had the baby been in some fluid - however this was a complete and full rupture with basically no chance to seal over.
I did not want to risk infection and not be able to have another baby - so we delivered him and that was our christmas 1996. I was so sad, so numb - mad at myself what did I do wrong? But nothing was determined to cause this rupture.
To make a long story short, I got pregnant 2 years later and had a very rough pregnancy with lots of preterm labor - but made it to 38 weeks!
I am NOW expecting again #3 YIPPY!!! and am at 30 weeks currently. This to has been a difficult pregnancy with contractions etc. But I thank god I made it this far - and if I did go into labor my baby would be fine. So each day is a blessing to me to make it further along. I will never know why or what was the cause - however I know there are reasons for things - and I cant beat myself up over something that was out of my control.
Just know your not alone - and god blesses us again and again so for whomever may be reading this - know that its not the end if you lose a baby to Prom - because a miracle might be right around the corner!