By Linda Neudorf, Kansas City USAAt 22 weeks, my doctor discovered that there was very little fluid around the baby during a routine sonogram. I had been leaking for two weeks but it was a small amount and I thought it was incontinence due to the baby being so low. At first my doctor was concerned that he didn't have kidneys. He sent us to the hospital for a level 2 sonogram. The doctor in a very upbeat tone told us he did have kidneys and that the best case would be delivery within 3 weeks of rupture which would give him 30% chance survival.
PROM at 20 weeksDelivery at 32 weeks.
Story added: 1999-03-31
That didn't seem like such great news to us. I was sent home and told to come back in 4 days if I was still pregnant. That first night was so scary. My husband, John had to go work at midnight, so I was by myself. But God was with me. I was leaking and I asked God to get me and the baby through the night. And He did!
The next morning my doctor called.He told me that he had been praying and thinking about it all night and that he felt in order to give this baby every chance he would like me to be admitted that day. He put me on strict bedrest (with bedpans, aargh!) and had me hydrated through I.V. That first night in the hospital I again asked God to get us through the night. One night,one day at a time.
Well, those days turned into weeks and those weeks into months! I had two sonograms a week, my fluid level went as high as 7 and as low as 0. When I was almost 32 weeks, 9 weeks from when I was told I would deliver, Joshua Stephen was born at 5lbs.We couldn't believe how big he was. He was in the hospital for two months. He went home on oxygen and got off of that at the end of Jan. He is now 5 mo. old and weighs 14 and a half lbs. He is doing great!
Joshua summer of 2000
We are so thankful to God for not only giving us this little miracle but also carrying us through such a difficult time. To Him be the glory! (Trust in me in your time of trouble, I will rescue you and you will give me glory Ps.50:15) I would LOVE to hear from anyone who would like to talk.