The PPROM Page
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Chris's PROM Story

By Chris, Boston, MA USA
PROM at 19 weeks + 4 days. Delivery at 19 weeks + 6 days.
Story added: 2004-04-30
I was diagnosed with a unicornuate uterus several years ago. After 12 IUIs and 2 IVF cycles, I finally became pregnant in October 02. I asked both my RE and my OB whether my uterine anomaly meant that I should see a high-risk OB, but neither seemed concerned. I had spotting throughout the 1st trimester and always contacted my OB ASAP. I went for an U/S almost every other week because of the spotting.

At one of those U/S in mid-February we found out our little Squiggle was a girl and everyone reassured us that there was little cause for worry at this point in the pregnancy. We had already told a lot of friends and family about the baby, but now EVERYONE found out! We announced that her name would be Emerson Holley (Emme) and two baby showers were planned.

A couple small concerns arose on 3/6/03 when my AFP result was elevated and an U/S showed an echogenic bowel and bilateral club feet. We were urged to do an amnio for more information but made it clear to my OB that we weren't willing to risk the small chance of membrane rupture, nor were we willing to terminate if any problems were discovered. That weekend the invitations to the first baby shower were mailed.

On Friday 3/14/03 at 19w5d I woke up from a quick nap at work thinking that I was leaking amniotic fluid. There was *very* little wetness -- just a barely noticable damp spot on my undies -- but I called my OB since I was concerned. She was sure it was just discharge or a urine leak, but I convinced her to see me that evening.

At about 5:00 PM she did the 1st speculum exam, which showed some pooling of fluid and the nitrazine strip showed that it might be amniotic fluid, but there weren't any signs of ferning under the microscope. An U/S was done and our daughter looked fine. My OB commented that "the fluid level might look a little on the low side, but there aren't really any standards for assessing that at this point."

She had me walk around the hospital for an hour or so and then checked me again. At the 2nd exam there hadn't been any additional pooling, the pH didn't look as alkaline, and there residue still didn't show ferns. The 3rd exam was still better than the 2nd. My OB said that if the 3rd exam had been the 1st she wouldn't be at all concerned, but since the 1st exam did show some bad signs, she scheduled an appt. w/ a maternal-fetal specialist for Monday. She told me to come back in if I had any more symptoms over the weekend.

While stopping for ice cream on the way home I felt a small popping sensation (I didn't notice any dampness). We decided to stop at home for a change of clothes and toothbrushes since we didn't know how long I'd be in the hospital. I rested for a little while and listened to Emme's strong heartbeat on the home doppler we'd rented.

We arrived back at the hospital around 12:00 AM. My OB was busy, so a nurse handed me a slide and said "you know what to do." I didn't. She told me to hold it under myself and cough to release fluid onto the slide. I tried, but didn't get anything collected on the slide until I bumped it against myself. I took it out to the nurse and told her I wasn't able to get a good sample. She took it to my OB in the lab. A few minutes later my OB came into the room and said "things don't look good -- we'll need to end the pregnancy."

She told me she'd seen ferning under the microscope and gave me the choice between induced L&D or a D&E, but the D&E would have to be scheduled for the next week since my OB doesn't perform them. I was told that lots of women have the urge not to do anything, but that wasn't an option since it could jeopardize my chances of having a successful pregnancy in the future. Wanting to meet my baby, I opted for L&D and started Cytotec at 3:00 AM. 24 hours and 23 minutes later, our beautiful, beautiful daughter was finally born at 9 ounces, 9 inches -- still alive, although only briefly. I will always cherish the short time we had together.

It's been a year since this happened and I'm now convinced that I didn't receive adequate testing to confirm the seriousness of my condition, nor was I given the option of expectant management. With more information and 20/20 hindsight I now have a thousand questions I wish I'd known to ask at the time: how was she so sure w/o a speculum exam to obtain a good sample? why no 2nd U/S to check on the baby & fluid levels? what about consulting the high-risk doc on call? and HOW could she give termination as my only option on the basis of one poorly obtained sample?!

Especially as I find more women with similar stories, I feel so guilty that I wasn't more agressive at the time, but I wasn't in any condition to think clearly. Part of the reason I chose to see a Harvard-educated OB at a major metropolitan teaching hospital was to help ensure I received the best possible care throughout my pregnancy. I never would have expected something like this to happen with a doctor I trusted so much.

Thanks for listening,
Emme 3/16/03-3/16/03
m/c 7/03 ersonholley/