By Rachel, Brampton CanadaMy story is one I never thought in a million years I would tell. Here I am telling a story I wish I never knew about.
PROM at 22 weeks + 6 days. Delivery at 23 weeks + 6 days.
Story added: 2004-04-03
I was at work and all morning in my pad I had more white discharge then normal, important to mention is that prior to that I had a doctor's apt (Tuesday and my PROM occurred on the Thursday) and I asked the doctor about an increase in discharge which I thought was leucorrhea (I think that is how it is spelled). As the morning went on it turned more pinkish and then brownish after lunch I went to the bathroom and went to have a BM, and I pushed and my water went everywhere it was awful. I then started to bleed very bright red blood, we called the ambulance and off I went to the hospital (High Risk Level III).
I got through the first 48hours and then was approaching the ever important 7 day mark. I went to the bathroom on the 6th day in the evening and went to wipe myself and I think I felt my dear baby boy Kyle's Foot (the next day I knew this was true), I wasn't sure though and thought too at the time it was the umbilical cord and possibly cord prolapsed, so I went to my bed and pulled the emergency notification. Kyle’s heart rate went up to 190 and went back down to between 170 and 180.The wonderful nurses came and looked in my vaginal area, but not with a speculum and saw nothing, but later that night I went to the bathroom and wiped and I had meconium, this lasted about 3 bathroom trips and by the end of the evening disappeared, but Kyle’s heart rate stayed high.
Looking back I think this might make me a candidate for Incompetent Cervix. I had no real severe cramping all week other then gas like pains.
The Next Day the doctor came and I was talking about the gas pains I felt all week and she was just about to leave when I told them about what happened the previous evening, she got a look on her face that concerned me, because her face almost looked panicked.
She then informed me that she needed to have a look with a sterile speculum to check.
When she looked, the words out her mouth will always stay with: “I’m so sorry, I see his foot”. After that the plan was to figure out how they would induce me, after that the pain management team came down to decide how they would control the pain I was about to physically endure. Well about an hour after that the OB/Pernatalogist decided to induce me by placing a pill (not sure of the name), when he went to do this he said the baby was far down and we would try to push. Kyle was born shortly after, his heart was beating for about an hour and he died in my arms. He was so beautiful and perfect. I will always hold his precious little face in my heart and soul.
We are hoping to get pregnant again, but we are trying to make sure that we have all possibilities covered (i.e. IC, Infection, etc...) If this story sounds familiar and someone has further information, please email us@
Thank you,
Scott and Rachel