By Vanessa, Iowa USAThis is now my second pg.I again am very sick with morning sickness. This keeps up until around 19 weeks. The dr does early US as I am measuring large ( as I also measured lg to date with my first pg) they confirmed only one baby again. This pg was normal until I started having preterm labor at 34 wks 6 days and they put me in hospital to stop them. I went home and was still having pains until 35 wks 1 day when I was at the gas station getting gas and my water broke . I thought not again. I wasn't far from my parents home so I went there and got some towels and clean clothes and mom took me to the hospital. Had to call dh and let him know we were at hospital. They decided to induce again. Cade was born weighing in at 5'12oz & 18 in. He did good except had to be put under lights in hospital then he did not gain weight he went down to 4' 5 oz. After a month he was finally up to 6' and to this day he is still tiny but very healthy!
PROM at 35 weeks + 1 days. Delivery at 35 weeks + 2 days.
Story added: 2004-01-11