By Eva, SpainI had achevied my pregnancy on my first IVF ICSI. We were thrilled at having gotten pregnant after ttc for 2 years and being infertile. At week 9 I started spotting and went to the hospital and had an u/s and the baby was fine, so they told me to do bed rest. At week 11 I had very bad stomach pain and went in again to the hospital they diagnosed my fibroids as growing from my pregnancy. We knew I had 3 small fibroids on getting pregnant they were about 3 cm each. With the pregnancy they grew to about 3, 4 and 6 cm each. One was giving me the pain, they said the baby was fine and more bed rest. At week 16 during my 2 months aprox. bed rest I got up to go to the bathroom and felt a gush of what I knew was amniotic fluid. I was terrified, I moved and more came out. i went and put on a pad and we went to the hospital. They checked me and said they thought it was bad news. they hospitalized me and gave me an u/s it looked like almost all the fluid was gone. They told us it would be a miracle if the fluid reknewed and to expect the worst. They waited 3 days to see what happened and when we saw the fluid did not reaccumulated they induced my labor. Our baby girl was born dead on October 25 2001. Andrea. She is now in heaven watching over us I am sure.
PROM at 16 weeksDelivery at 16 weeks + 3 days.
Story added: 2004-01-10