By Kim, Ridgewood, NJ USAI currently have a daughter age 2( normal pregnancy). I was pregnant with my 2nd child and at 21.6 weeks I leaked some fluid during intercourse. I knew instantly that this was not a normal happening. The next morning I called my OB/GYN and he assured me that it was just urine. I told him I knew it wasn't urine. He then said it was probably just vaginal secretions. Since he was the Dr. I took his word for it. I had no pain and hadn't leaked any other fluid after this incident.
PROM at 20 weeks + 6 days. Delivery at 23 weeks + 2 days.
Story added: 2003-12-20
16 days later I had diahrrea. This was the day before Thanksgiving so when I called the OB they were gone for the day and I figured it was just diahrrea and it was something everyone gets. That night I went to bed and started having what I thought to be contractions in the middle of the night. I called my doctor at 3:30am, he told me he'd met me at the hospital. By the time the doctor examined me at 5am I was already 2cm dialated.
The doctor tried to stop the contractions, unfortunately they wouldn't stop. By 4pm Thanksgiving day I was 4cm dialated. The doctor told me I would have to deliver my baby(at 23weeks and 2 days). I was told that the baby would not survive. By 4:57pm I delivered a baby boy. Unfortunately, he did not make it.
The doctor says I had an acute severe infection but he can not tell us what infection it was. He also says he doesn't think I ruptured membranes 17 days earlier. Well,how did I get the infection then.
I believe my doctor could have changed the outlook of my pregnancy just by checking to see if I indeed ruptured membranes at 20.6 weeks.