By Stacy Worczak, Niagara Falls, NY USAAfter being married for 2 1/2 years my husband and I decided to try to get pregnant. After being off of the pill for 4 months, "cleaning out my system" as advised by my doctor, we started trying, 2 months later I was pregnant!
PROM at 18 weeks + 3 days. Delivery at 18 weeks + 3 days.
Story added: 2003-09-23
I got pregnant in May and Kaden ("little fighter") Noah Worczak would be due on February 9, 2004. Little did we know that God had other plans for us. In August I started spotting, brown like spotting and called my doctor right away. She did a sonogram and said that everything looked fine, keep watch and if anything changes to call her. I kept on spotting for 2 weeks until my next appointment, I told her that I was still spotting and she did another sonogram and took me out of work. Again, she saw nothing. A few days went by and I woke-up one night with cramps and red bleeding. I got to the bathroom, sat on the toilet and the only way to describe it is to say that I was peeing out of the wrong hole. There was blood running like pee into the toilet. I called my doctor the next morning and she sent me to see a sonogram specialist who told me that the baby's heart rate was normal (174) but the amniotic fluid was gone. She advised that I talk to my doctor about ending the pregnancy. I went straight to my doctor's office after that and spoke to my doctor, I begged her not to end this pregnancy, my baby has a normal heart beat...what can I do? My doctor told me that we can sit on it for awhile, I would have to take my temp. twice per day, get blood work done twice per week to be sure that no infection was starting in my body. She said she would do a sonogram every week until the ruptured membrane heals itself and the baby continues to grow or until the baby passes away. I accepted that and left her office.
After 2 weeks the baby still had no amniotic fluid. The baby's heart rate was over 230 beats per min, in distress and suffering. I was bleeding a lot more and cramping, I was 2cm dialated when I went to the hospital, it was over. I went into labor, induced by cervadill and delivered him vaginally at 2:15am on September 4, 2003. We were able to see him, hold him and give him his first, and last bath in our tears. He looked just like my husband, his nose and ears and he had my hands and feet. We named him Kaden which means "little fighter" Noah (God always keeps his promises) Worczak. He only was with us for a short time, but we will love him forever, and he now lay's safe in the arms of Jesus. If any of you have heard anything about this type of thing, or have gone through it yourself and your story is simular to mine, please e-mail me with advise that your doctor has given you to prevent this from happening again. How long did you wait to try again? Those kinds of things. Thank you for allowing me to share my story.