The PPROM Page
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Alex's PROM Story

By Alex Holmes, Sydney, NSW Australia
PROM at 17 weeksDelivery at 37 weeks + 5 days.
Story added: 2003-08-10
My waters broke at 17 weeks, I was admitted to hospital, put on IV antibiotics, and put on strict bedrest. I thought I had lost my baby. I was told the chances of survival were very slim, but ultrasound showed my baby was still alive.
I lost no more fliud, and by 20 weeks it was back to normal, but I had to stay at home for the rest of my pregnancy. Work was too high risk.

Then at 36+5 they broke again, but labor did not start, so i was admitted to hospital again, this time on oral antibiotics, and I spent hours every day pounding the hallways to try to get things started.

Eventually, at 37+5 they decided to induce me as i was now in pre labor and the cord was being squashed with each contraction.

I spent 5 1/2hrs in labor, and pushed out a small, but very healthy baby boy who scored 9 on both his apgars!
He was 5lb 14oz, and 3 months later weighs over 13lb!

I know this was a miracle, but I will be worried for my next pregnancy.

They never knew why this happened.

Alex + Morgan 12th May 2003