By Melinda, Berwyn, PA USAI had a relatively normal pregnancy, but had a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions starting around 4 months. Around 31 weeks, I was getting more and more contractions, and started having strange pains. I went to my doctor and was told it was just false labor and ligament pain and not to worry about it. That night, my water broke. It was the first day of my 32nd week.
PROM at 32 weeksDelivery at 32 weeks.
Story added: 2003-08-08
I was admitted to the hospital, but since I was at 32 weeks, they did not want to try to stop labor. My labor progressed quickly, and an ultrasound showed that the baby was breech. I was able to get one course of steroids before they decided to do a c-section. My son was born 12 hours after my broke.
Ryan weighed 4.5 pounds and was 18 inches long. He stayed in the NICU 3 weeks. He has grown very well, and is now 5 months old and 16 pounds. But, it has been a very long 5 months. Ryan has struggled with severe acid reflux, including needing hostpitalization for respiratory problems caused by aspirating the acid. He also has a heart defect which will most likely need surgery when he is 4 or 5. But, he continues to thrive and do well developmentally despite his health problems. I feel thankful every day for our little miracle.
The doctors still have no idea what caused my PPROM, and that will always haunt me. I hope some of the new studies with progesterone will give me the courage to try for a second baby.