The PPROM Page
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Vanessa's PROM Story

By Vanessa, Valencia Spain
PROM at 15 weeks + 5 days. Delivery at 23 weeks + 6 days.
Story added: 2003-04-06
3 months later I feel I can tell our story. We found out I was pregnant with twins, a total surprise. Everything was going well until one night I woke up with water running down my legs. I was unsure if I had weed myself. I was on holiday with my parents and they took me to the hospital. They did tests and eventually they confirmed that one of the babies had lost alot of liquid. I stayed in the hospital on stict bedrest for a few days basically waiting to miscarry. I didn't and was allowed home to my parents house on bedrest and later I was allowed to fly home and from then stayed on strict bedrest except a visit to the hospital once a week.

I was carrying a girl, Emily and a boy, Jake the prom was from Jake.The doctors didn't know what to advise and we decided to see what would happen. At one point they did inject liquid into the amniotic sack but it all came out within half an hour.

I was on bedrest for 9 weeks, both babies were growing properly and we began to feel quite positive. We were told that if I could last until 7 months then they would have a high chance of survival.

But it was not to be. I started bleeding in week 23 and we had to provoke the birth. We knew that they were too small to survive. I had to give birth to my two babies. I didn't see them but they are in my thoughts every day.

There seems to be little information about this problem and I found this webpage very helpful throughout my days of bedrest. I hope that one day I will be able to write with a happier story.

Thank you for your support