By Andrea Fabian, Reston, VA USAOn August 7th, 2002, we welcomed our daughter Alyssa Gianna to our family. She was perfect at 8lbs 2ozs, and 21.5 inches long. My earlier PROM experience is listed in the above Prom list for Andrea 21-27.
. Delivery at 39 weeks + 5 days.
Story added: 2003-03-16
It was a normal but stressful pregnancy, waiting for this to be the day that it all changes for the worst. I had a bit of spotting and a case of BV,an abnormal U/S that looked like the kidneys were abnormally enlarged and a threat of downs. Other wise, as I got closer and closer to my due date, I never dreamed I'd be talking to my Dr. about inducing me!! My contractions started and then really slowed down, so after checking me in triage, and seeing I was leaking fluid, they put me on pit. After a much needed epideral, I went to 10 and after 3 hours of pushing, said you and baby are tired, let's do a C-section, which was fine with me. The c-section went well, there was a bit of meconimum in the fluid, which scared me, but was fine. I was in total shock we finally had a baby. I remember holding her in the hospital, and thinking this can't be real.
She's now 7 mo old, I can't believe how time flies. I'm not sure if I want to try it again. It was so worth it to have her here, but I'm not sure if I want to do it again. Anyway, never give up, it can happen, and it's wonderful!
Andrea Fabian